Always 1%

It’s dang annoying... I’m sure that the last hits have to kill the opponent, hands off the phone cuz I’m thinking it’s done and they end up with 1% .... screwed up. I have plenty more screens of this -.-

At 100%, any damage reduces you to 99%, so we can extrapolate that down the line, if you're exactly at 50% health, and take 1 hp dmg, you'll be at 49%. This breaks down at 1% though, because you can't go to 0% because you're under 1% hp.
1% actually encompasses 1.99% down to .01%.
This is likely just psychology - we pay attention more to when something does happen rather than the times it doesn't happen.
If you told someone to keep an eye out for 4% for example they would start to see it much more
Also, of course this happens if there is a Heimdall synergy on the other team in arena.