[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • RogueKillerRogueKiller Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: XxWaseemSaeedxX

    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy A9

    Device Operating System: 10

    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi

    Game Version Installed: 27.1.0

    Game Mode: All type of Quests

    Description of the Issue: Whenever I am in the middle of the match The wifi Bar pops up and disconnects sometimes It always happens when a fight goes on longer then a certain amount of time It is frustrating when you finish a fight and disconnect and have to do a fight again pls fix this
  • HERO_TOMO212HERO_TOMO212 Member Posts: 5
    -Game Name: Ancur Lebur
    Device and Model: Galaxy a9
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue:
    I have connection problems almost every fight during more than 20-30 seconds. The connection red icon begins to blink at the bottom right. Sometime it crashes during fight, sometimes I can finish fights but then it crashes.
    Sometimes it happens also when just taking a look at the game.
    Smartphone works perfectly.
  • HERO_TOMO212HERO_TOMO212 Member Posts: 5
    In game name - Penantian
    Device and model - Samsung galaxy A9
    Device operating system - Android 10
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game version - Latest version
    Game Mode - All

    Since 1.5 months I am facing this. When this can be resolved
  • HERO_TOMO212HERO_TOMO212 Member Posts: 5
    In game name - Huru Hara
    Device and model - Samsung galaxy A9
    Device operating system - Android 10
    Cellular or WIFI - Both
    Game version - Latest version
    Game Mode - All

    Since 1.5 months I am facing this. When this can be resolved
  • BumbunyonBumbunyon Member Posts: 42
    -Game Name: bumbunyon
    Device and Model: samsung. Note 9
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: up to date
    Game Mode: AW, AQ
    Description of the Issue:

    For months now my champs stop responding in fights. This mostly presents itself as the champion I'm playing will not block or dash. They stand there, and they die. I've completely had it with this issue. This costs me resources in AW and AQ. I have abandoned higher levels of competition because I simple cannot rely on my controls to work.

    Ive been playing this game since the beginning, and all the money spent I don't care anymore. I'm so tired of this issue unless I can get some HELP I'm done.

    I have submitted tickets for this issue but they went nowhere.
  • HERO_TOMO212HERO_TOMO212 Member Posts: 5
    Game Name: Ancur Lebur
    Device and Model: Galaxy a9
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue:
    I have connection problems almost every fight during more than 20-30 seconds. The connection red icon begins to blink at the bottom right. Sometime it crashes during fight, sometimes I can finish fights but then it crashes.
    Sometimes it happens also when just taking a look at the game.
    Smartphone works perfectly
  • DueelDueel Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Dueel
    Device and Model: Galaxy S9
    Device Operating System: 9.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 27.1.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: I just can't play that game since early friday morning, My game is not loading, please help me

    and sorry for my english, i'm from Brazil
  • TheGhostOneTheGhostOne Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2020
    Don't wast your time guys kabam will not fix this they even didn't agree to any solution you could use to fix this the solution is using vpn to avoid network problem but if you use it you will get banned so it's an infinite loop thanks kabam for taking our money and worst customer service i ever faced in my life.
  • Hsc1836Hsc1836 Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Hsc1836
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy A71
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 27.1.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest, and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: After a minute into a fight (in any game mode), a red sign appears on the bottom right side of the screen, indicating connection issues. Then the fight is lost, and I am taken to a screen showing "Lost Connection". It has become impossible for me to continue playing the game. Please look into this issue and try resolving it as soon as possible.
  • MuribaMuriba Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: muriba
    Device and Model: samsung, galaxy note 10
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both, my carrier is Vivo
    Game Version Installed: 27.1.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: After the last update the window is freezing when I try to enter at aq, aw, unit store, alliance help or arena. Tried on a different smartphone and I got the same result.
  • Bmr182Bmr182 Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name: bmr182
    Device and Model: samsung, A80
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both, my carrier is vodafone
    Game Version Installed: 27.1.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: randomly having connection issues, appers the symbol and takes me out of the fight all the time, each single fight takes me out of the game due to connection problem but internet is full speed without any problems when I play other games that requires more speed. I have spend already a lot of units and resources because when I connect again I have only half of my life.
  • Bmr182Bmr182 Member Posts: 5

  • SkwirkerSkwirker Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2020
    In-Game Name: Skwirker
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy A8
    Device Operating System: 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 27.1.0
    Game Mode: Everywhere
    Description of the Issue: My inputs will randomly drop mid fight. I'll be trying to dash back, block, dash forward, medium or light attack and my champion just won't respond. This has been especially problematic in the Island of Dr Modok side quest as it's not possible to back out and retry like in other quests. I have cleaned my phone and washed my hands before playing and still get issues. I've tested the general input and don't believe the problem lies with my phone. Please look into this, it is making the game virtually unplayable
  • Donal1981Donal1981 Member Posts: 63
    My device, model and operating system also same as K_k.
    Im 155% agree with K_k, this problem has been troubling us so long but no fix yet up untill now.
    The problem also the same. Keep disconnecting from game, in long fight, in aq or aw and mostly in the end of fight.
    Win the fight but then auto disconnect itself..while other game just running smooth and internet also no prob. How bizarre is this?!
    Cant do grinding, cant even play normally..
    When will this prob will be fixed guys??
  • ThamilselvamThamilselvam Member Posts: 2
    Samsung A70S
    Android version 10
    Game version 27.1.0
    Cellular or wifi: both
    Description: After a minute into a fight (in any game mode), a red sign appears on the bottom right side of the screen, indicating connection issues. Then the fight is lost, and I am taken to a screen showing "Lost Connection". It has become impossible for me to continue playing the game. Please look into this issue and try resolving it as soon as possible.
  • ThamilselvamThamilselvam Member Posts: 2

  • Vdwd14Vdwd14 Member Posts: 6

    Ingame: HerizonHaze
    Android 10 Samsung A70
    Latest Gameupdate
    Everywhere lose connection.

    It seems that when no input is given in form from tapping at the Screen, the game lose the connection...

    For those who were experiencing issues with Android 10 on the Samsung A70, we've continued to look into this but haven't found anything on our end that could lead to the issues that were being reported. We hadn't made any changes around that time that would specifically impact those devices that had begun experiencing the issues. Based on our investigation, players still experiencing the issue may need to reach out to Samsung or may try changing to a different version of the Android OS as a workaround.

    So i've chatted today with the samsung Support. Ive described them the Problem with MCoC, that i lose the connection after a timeperiod. But my Internetconnection is fine with every other AndroidGane. So they checked my phone to see if it loses packages while playing. No, it didnt.
    After 4 hours of discussions with the Samsung Support, they said that in the NetCode from MCoC is a issue that causes no Traffic inside the Fight itself. So the Gamecode blocks my Internet.

    The Result? Samsung said, its defenitiv on kabams side that makes it lose connection mid fight. They said, kabam have to code their game around Android 10, not let it stay as it is and hope Samsung codes their Update around MCoC.

    So Kabam, you have to fix this Problem, not we or samsung, YOU!

    Even when i'm downgrading my A70 back to Android 9, i cant use it, because there its makes no sense. Why would every game work on Android 10 and Mcoc doesnt? For only one **** game, i dont Downgrade my phone......what Kind of joke is that?
    Fully agree. It's just not logical that we should be forced to downgrade (which is actually pretty complicated to do if you don't know much about phones).I can believe it's not easy to figure out, but it looks that more and more phones will run Android 10, and encounter the same issue. Ultimately they'll make it impossible for a large part of your game audience to play their own game.

    Maybe you can share the Samsung information (including the details, if available) - it might help the devs. Maybe wishfull thinking, but still.
  • EduardPLMEduardPLM Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2020
    In game: EduardPLM
    Device: Samsung a70
    Does anybody do something about this f***** network problem? From march, i'm sick of this, i payed money to buy offers and other stuffs, and this in the compensation you Kabam, offer??? I don't need shards or potions from you. I need the game work properly...So do something about this, i see we are hundreds with this problem...or we will have to uninstall the game...it would be dissapointing, because i play for almost 6 years...
  • Defteros88Defteros88 Member Posts: 8
    In-Game Name: defteros88
    Device and Model: Galaxy S9
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 27.1.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: I cannot access any quest or event. Every time I try to enter a mode the screen freezes, even the global chat and clocks on screen keeps running. At this rate I'll be kicked out of my alliance and loose all season reward. It's been 3 days sinnce this issues started. Tried everything you can imagine (cache, data, reinstall, logoff, different device) and each time get worse.

  • MAJEAKMAJEAK Member Posts: 10

    Ingame: HerizonHaze
    Android 10 Samsung A70
    Latest Gameupdate
    Everywhere lose connection.

    It seems that when no input is given in form from tapping at the Screen, the game lose the connection...

    For those who were experiencing issues with Android 10 on the Samsung A70, we've continued to look into this but haven't found anything on our end that could lead to the issues that were being reported. We hadn't made any changes around that time that would specifically impact those devices that had begun experiencing the issues. Based on our investigation, players still experiencing the issue may need to reach out to Samsung or may try changing to a different version of the Android OS as a workaround.

    So i've chatted today with the samsung Support. Ive described them the Problem with MCoC, that i lose the connection after a timeperiod. But my Internetconnection is fine with every other AndroidGane. So they checked my phone to see if it loses packages while playing. No, it didnt.
    After 4 hours of discussions with the Samsung Support, they said that in the NetCode from MCoC is a issue that causes no Traffic inside the Fight itself. So the Gamecode blocks my Internet.

    The Result? Samsung said, its defenitiv on kabams side that makes it lose connection mid fight. They said, kabam have to code their game around Android 10, not let it stay as it is and hope Samsung codes their Update around MCoC.

    So Kabam, you have to fix this Problem, not we or samsung, YOU!

    Even when i'm downgrading my A70 back to Android 9, i cant use it, because there its makes no sense. Why would every game work on Android 10 and Mcoc doesnt? For only one **** game, i dont Downgrade my phone......what Kind of joke is that?
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra According to Samsung it is on you and not on them and you are claiming the opposite. I am on the impression that samsung support team takes that issue more seriously than you.

    As I asked previously, have you been able to replicate the issue? Did you guyz investigated on the issue Samsung found?

  • Emka007Emka007 Member Posts: 10
    i'm sick of this android network problem!
    this is going on for few mounts now...
  • DeckardRJDeckardRJ Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2020

    For those who were experiencing issues with Android 10 on the Samsung A70, we've continued to look into this but haven't found anything on our end that could lead to the issues that were being reported. We hadn't made any changes around that time that would specifically impact those devices that had begun experiencing the issues. Based on our investigation, players still experiencing the issue may need to reach out to Samsung or may try changing to a different version of the Android OS as a workaround.

    Wow with a response like this it's no wonder you are losing players ==, you must know that some of us won't spend money to get a new phone just to play this game.
    It's not only the Samsung A70, I game on a Razer phone 2 and there's still lag and heating.
  • Yugu43221Yugu43221 Member Posts: 12
    @Kabam Zibiit
    How can you suggest us to downgrade our android OS .
    Problem is from kabam not samsung .
    You need to chnge your netcode.
    As you are saying that we should chnge our android OS.
    I did now i am playing in Funtouch OS , but it happening in this device also.
    Now, tell me how many devices i should change?
    And now its been 3 months , and you are not serious about this issue of us.
    You need to do something .
    We dont need any type of conpensation just make this f***** game work properly.
    A major request.
    Thank you
  • HerizonHazeHerizonHaze Member Posts: 35
    Ingamename HerizonHaze
    Android 10 Samsung A70

    Now, i cant even log in.... its stuck....

  • K_kK_k Member Posts: 6

    For those who were experiencing issues with Android 10 on the Samsung A70, we've continued to look into this but haven't found anything on our end that could lead to the issues that were being reported. We hadn't made any changes around that time that would specifically impact those devices that had begun experiencing the issues. Based on our investigation, players still experiencing the issue may need to reach out to Samsung or may try changing to a different version of the Android OS as a workaround.

    So since many of us have reached out to samsung and spent ample time doing so. How much time have you spent on this issue? Because to your community it is looking more and more like you guys actually have zero intentions on fixing these issues. We understand apple was your primary platform but you made the decision to transfer code to work with android also. This means that netcode or runtime errors are your responsibility. Plain and simple. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious please help us!
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
    Android version 10
    Game version 27.1.0
    Cellular or wifi: both
    Description: Random disconnections, and 1 crash a day. Wifi with 20mbps, no more data being used on the house, and even with data H+, gets random disconnections, If I see that I would lose the fight because of the BS disconnections, I would minimize the app, change to my wifi extender, and that kinda solve it til the next disconnection. No apps on background. Usually 8gb of ram free. Not rooted or anything.
  • Donal1981Donal1981 Member Posts: 63
    Many posting from variants device phone about this lost connection in game for more than 3 months.
    3 months !
    Yet this problem still troubling.
    Cmon please put your attention on fixing this problem.
  • hashtagreinihashtagreini Member Posts: 2
    In-game name: hashtagtrini
    Device: Samsung Galaxy A70
    OS : Android 10.0
    Cellular or WiFI: Either
    Game version: Latest Version
    Game mode: In every mode the game throws me out mid fight. My connection is stable and working fine for everything else yet the red icon pops up on the right side every fight. The game is unplayable at the moment. It has been over 2 months. When will it be resolved...

    It makes the game completely unplayable.
  • BlackthunderBlackthunder Member Posts: 8
    When I along with my alliance during one war we lost few fights because sudden network loses. It's really unfair to go on a war against another alliance when kabam attacking us with network issues when the opponent alliance surviving and chilling and win the battles. Really dissapointed on this incident.
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