Kabam (Osaurus) Rex
Remember kids, death threats aren’t funny
What Is Going On Summoners! The team has identified what went wrong with Day 1 of the 10x10 Supply Drop Calendar - and everyone should have properly received Day 2. Players who faced issues on Day 1 will receive their Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man in the form of Compensation. We don't have an exact timeline for…
Who said you can't use Northstar for any of the Challenges? 🤔dans Northstar is robbed from 10 year champion pool Commentaire de Kabam (Osaurus) Rex décembre 2024
There aren’t really any Champions who can throw three Special 1’s when they’re sitting at three Bars of Power - it’s a completely new mechanic.
Okay, you should be good to go.
Oh my, I'll get this flagged up immediately
One apple coming right up
This is the first time MSD has been involved in any Carina's Challenge. He actually helped make it easier by calling out potential roadblocks, since he has the most experience in Necropolis over pretty much any other player out there - I'd recommend shooting him a thank you.
Nothing mean about the question at all haha A couple of reasons, actually - Ægon is extremely fun once he's fully ramped & he essentially turns the game off with his Defensive Ability Accuracy Reduction - and the yellow numbers get gigantic with his 6 Furies... but I've always appreciated how Stryfe can be fully ramped…
Stryfe is pretty insane for Everest content as it is - it's where he's allowed to shine. He's great in the Necropolis and a tippy-top option for Abyss & Labyrinth. I'd personally choose Stryfe over Ægon 100 times out of 100.
Happy to inform - leaks are not allowed here. Many players don't want upcoming content to be spoiled for them before they get the chance to be announced by the hard-working people who spent countless hours building them.
Wow I hope it isn't today
If you claimed the Compensation, the points were automatically added to your solo event. Consider the 200 6 Star Shards a very early Holiday Gift.
Hey folks, we said that compensation should arrive before the first Autumn of Agony fight has finished - The first Autumn of Agony fight has not yet finished. The compensation is still set to arrive before the next fight.
Wow, no more posting before coffee for me...
Where did we say this?
Quick update here, due to the upcoming shortened Season of Alliance War, the number of Wars required to qualify for Season Rewards has been lowered from FIVE to FOUR.
Let's get the early anxiety out of the way - Is this MCOC 2??? No Is MCOC on mobile dead??? No Is MCOC on PC going to be better than Mobile??? No Is MCOC on PC cool??? Yes
"...we’ve decided to REBALANCE Northstar around a max of 6 Momentum. The goal is for his CEILING TO BE AROUND THE SAME place because we are happy with where he performs once he gets there, but EASIER AND QUICKER to hit said ceiling within a fight." :)
It is! The (new) board is still a process that we're building out the format of. We have so many ideas for it, but many meetings go into making those ideas a reality and involve a bunch of different people. The goal with the (new) Trello board is to be a one-stop shop for all info regarding bugs/issues and whether or not…
Oh no, that's not good at all! Thanks for the report on this, we're looking into it now.
I'll have my people call your people.
Are you trying to make me blush?
Let's look at it this way... We're talking about 100 7 Star shards per day for Uncollected players. That would require logging in and playing through the Event for 150 days in order to form a 7 Star. If you do that every single day, that would require roughly 5 months of grinding for one 7 Star. When you think about it…
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen That being said, this is illegal - gunna flag this up haha
"Definitely" is a super strong word - it's also an incorrect word, in this case The Daily Super Event will launch exactly the same as it was a few months ago :)