Maltyo9 ★★★
No r4 Groot, 1/10
They only said that they were looking into it, but no promises were made that they were going to re-release the offers. I can assure you that there will be an announcement if they decide to go that route, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
I don't know what store you're looking at with regards to the t5cc...
Just read the official forum announcement about the...oh, nevermind.
@PapaMidnite007 Did you take that much health off of him with no revives? If so, you are very close, my friend. Keep making those runs at him and you'll definitely get him. Personally, I was just tired of not having beaten the SOB and used my stash...and then kept popping my 4 hour Cavs for revives...and then used my team…
Punctuation Saves Lives
OP is in act 6, so he will need at least the 5*.
Sure, because that has been working out so well for everyone lately lol
Op opens them at 4:20...
Waiting would be difficult considering he said that they are expiring in 24 hours...
A Google Sheet would probably make this a whole lot easier to view and understand...
Study hall
Username does not check out...
Impossible in MCOC...
Maybe the increase in health in 6.2 is to offset that they removed the class gates?
I think it's a bit telling that the OP's question was originally asking what everyone thought of the changes to Yondu and DPX, but there isn't a lot of conversation about Yondu...
If anyone has a max sig 6* UC, I feel bad for you...
Just imagine if you were...
Sorry @DNA3000, I just couldn't resist...
The deals from last year where we could buy items for gold.
It's just above Silver 2.
I can't tell if this is serious...
My suggestion is to wait until you have actually ranked them up, by that point you may have one or more of them duped.
No offense, but I think you missed it...
He is definitely in the crst How many Cosmic/Tech duals have you opened since Herc entered them?
Wait, I figured it out...they released that list of the first 24 champs to get us excited, but then threw in the other 24 for the other crystals... Buffs for "The Other 24" confirmed...
Check the featured store
There can be a visual bug when you open multiple crystals of the same type all at once. In your second picture it shows that you have opened 40 sig stone crystals, which should equal 40 total sig stones. However, it shows that you have gained 59 sig stones, not including the science crystals that we can not see. My…