Moosetiptronic ★★★★
Ronin, spot and for me at least, absorbing man.
Buy every 10 stack of 25% in the BG store. Should be at least 3 each cycle if you reach GC, maybe 4 if you hit all the 2/3 day challenges. AQ store, buy the 3 5% t6cc selectors and 7 5% crystals every week. Monthly end game stuff normally adds another whole in various% gems. Once a month, the above is 15 whole t6cc. I'm…
Thank you - didn't even look at the tactic, this is even more nuts than I thought 🫣
Won't someone like Swdeah or MSD use Shulk or Spidergwen?
Ignore the disagrees opp... To help you feel better, I've 44 t6b and t3a, 8 skill and mystic t6cc, 11 science and tech t6cc and 12 mutant and cosmic t6cc. I've also a skill R3 gem and 6 t4a... But I run suicides so every rank up, is carefully weighed up and the fear of pulling someone new is real. I'm sitting on a R2…
Now I always liked this one. Yes.... Synergies in place and suicides, but, class disadvantage... And Rank 1, not rank 3.... 39 seconds. Which is faster than most of my 36, R2/r3s/5/65 ascended.
No line alliance, map 5 only, do well in milestones in events, average prestige 20k, so vets who know what they're doing. Active in game chat, 2bg G4 war for loyalty. Currently 5m in BGs, so putting up a decent score. No minimums, bar joining AQ. Ilovescotch in game if you're interested!
Interested in the result here as I've been carrying a R3 skill gem and have the same choice...dans 7 star Shang Chi or Crossbones to rank up for mainly BGs? Commentaire de Moosetiptronic 3 juil.
Duped jabari
Sorry to resurrect this post; if you didn't obtain enough stones for nightcrawler (I gave up on incursions and have 113 runestones), is there a chance for more runestones, or is the only option cash them in for 7* shards??
We have one slot Ilovescotch in game. 3 BG map 5, no raids (just under 5k glory per week) 2 BG war, G4, optional, easy mode No BG minimums No minimums at all, bar moving in AQ. 123m rated, average prestige 20k. Veterans, but still active. No line or external chat, all in game and relatively chatty as an alliance. It's a…
Lv 2 GKG, 15% attack, 20% health and green boosts. Best run was 4 sp1 dexes in a row. 5 lv1 revives and 4 lv2. Could have been less if I healed more, as he's tanky. To the opp; heal more, use your 4 hour crystals and as you are resigned to using revives, don't be worried about going for an SP2 if you have a lot of furies.…
Will or have you r2'd D kg as well? Have them both at R2 and agree that guilly slaps
I run suicides and would swap my 7* kushala, wiccan, dragon man, white tiger, kindred, Wong and mojo, for that diablo dupe... But assuming you're not me, then Sassy all day.
Omega red - Red Death
I was thinking about this last week; they could probably just put health and attack nodes on him and add in some nasty objectives (metal, robot, skill) and it will still be horrible fights. It's a mark of how horrible a defender he is, that he doesn't really need additional nodes.
If you picked strategic movement, that node is brutal/impossible for nearly everyone bar max sig thing? Even then, there's a high chance you die from poison by a hit into block.
Has anyone tried kushala with the regen on block hacks? Can she move into net health gains when blocking? Feel like this is a try 10+ times event, to try and get lucky with rooms as there's so many bad combos that can ruin the run.dans Saga incursions MVP team, prefight, synergy, strategy and insights Commentaire de Moosetiptronic 10 mai
Without Heimdall and herc, the large risk to a lot of runs being road blocked, from a cost viewpoint, is the 50% life degen over 12 seconds node, as well as freezer burn and biohazard. Plus lack of heal reversal options. Corvus, with strategic movement and then someone else to handle buff stripping nodes, or symbiote…dans Saga incursions MVP team, prefight, synergy, strategy and insights Commentaire de Moosetiptronic 10 mai
@DrZola Do you run suicides? I do and use my 5/65 ascended 6* corvus an unhealthy amount. Even BGs. (Also 5/65 ascended and sig 200 omega red - both went up a few months ago)
I've a 5/65 ascended already. I run suicides, which is the main reason why and use him in AQ and/or war mainly. With them, he monsters R3 red skulls in BGs, but he may struggle without them to take R3 techs down.
I have him ascended, R5 already. He's able to take R2 peni and R2 red skull within 15 of his charges, in BGs. So the 7* should be usable in BGs at R2 or higher.
Completely agree. That's the only one that for many people will be rng matchmaking based. You could be unlucky and just never get there
Sig 20 R2 here. I like him, but wish he had a bit more burst damage.
Absolutely bonkers. Well done @Cantona59 ! Your necropolis gameplay was an eye opening display of skill to cap off the 21 days of effort.
Xbones damage output was surprising. Awesome work and gameplay! And representing for team GB 😁😉
I genuinely don't want to touch the screen near kindred's face on his victory close up. Fantastically revolting.
More than enough in your hands
Blisteringly fast! What is your revive and unit stash looking like, for necropolis? Assuming Kate is going to do most of it?
Interested in who you go with. I've all of yours, bar moon dragon and also have a skill 2-3 - also have jabari, BP, korg, xbones, attuma, Ronin. (Thinking of holding mine until I pull chee'lith or shang as I'm already valiant, but interested in the comments here!)