
  • Is that the x magica attack tactic?
  • This was from this war earlier today, Boost up with some mutant power back boosts, keep reparrying to stop the bleed damage, while baiting heavy, heavy counter. Get to just before sp3, go into you Prof x mode, and just throw specials and he dies Ps, didn't have any ramp for him (1 charge going in), didn't have hourseman…
  • He has a easy way to prevent shrugging, with lots of non contact hits, from watching liser play with him, on fights you can't hit your opponent, you can actually play him like quake in the corner. It's very hard to do but its kinda bonkers when done right. Some great immunities to go along with all that. He has some great…
    dans Sell Me on Omega Red Commentaire de SiggMan mai 2024
  • 1 r3 is, imo, the better choice. If you ignore ranking up 6*s with normal cats and focus on 7*s you’ll rank them up slowly but you’ll take ages to get a r3. Plus a r3 is beyond busted (good) with just the stats. Getting a great champ at r3 is just a cheat code.
  • You can still get the light attacks off, I managed to find someone explaining how on discord. You’ve got to spam light attack while the double medium is going off (and for the light attack), for the light to not get parried. It takes a bit of practice but still lets you hit the block without getting parried.
  • Just found out how, You've got to spam light while the double medium is going off, and you then won't get parried on any of the lights into the block. I managed to get it quite consistently in practice.
  • He's still very usable, just not going to be the best option. It's just a lot harder to manipulate ai but nothing a bit of practice and changing the way you play him won't fix.
  • It's an issue that's been happening for a while with champs that have a double medium, if you medium into a light, the ai will almost always parry (into the block), I know there's a way around this. Not entirely sure how.
  • They said they would give you a point for the robot quest, so you can skip that one if you desire to do so. My best guess is that they will give that point at the end of the 2 weeks, so they can check who completed it.
  • Completing it with Hulk will give you 2 points, 1 point for #gamma, and 1 point for completing it. You get another point for #robot and another for #sinister six.
  • Just thought I'd add that the sp2 isn't what stops the unstoppable but rather it is getting 300 velocity (putting the slow on the defender) which you can get very quickly with a parry, heavy, and spam dash backs or even a sp1 if you feeling up to it.
  • I just aegoned it, only 2 fights I found were super painful, stryfe and silver centurion. I didn't use the recoil/ outchy masteries but I did max out on the furry masteries. With the silver centurion I sp3ed, got as much power as I could and spammed lights, the ai would let me throw 2-5 extra sp3s, sometimes hit me to get…
  • the hardest part is starting, or at least how I found it, if you use aegon you can do like 95% of the fights, just remember to get hit once ramped to keep getting those massive furries, my best advice is watching someone else run with aegon and how they played the fights. So you can try to reduce the error of learning the…
  • I'm not sure they are even allowed to say that, someone I know got banned and he couldn't, for the life of him, find out why, not even through tickets.
    dans Unfair ban Commentaire de SiggMan décembre 2023
  • You can still get mods on ios, just because you use apple doesn't mean you couldn't or can't get mods
    dans Unfair ban Commentaire de SiggMan décembre 2023
  • I went through them and saw Wiccan on defence. I've swapped him out for someone else now. Thank you for the help!
  • So no one really get a compensation for the parry and controls issue? is the screenshot of the compensation fake? No clue, was directly copied from the alliance chat.
  • Just confused then because the date the mail was sent out was yesterday and the day before. My guess is his account might be bugged or smth.
  • I see, that means I missed a few then because I haven't gotten them for a while
  • No clue how it was sent twice, apologies for the spam.
  • No clue how it was sent twice, apologies for the spam.