Squirrelguy ★★★★★
Lol, had a busy October and wasn't aware that the elite bounties had worthwhile rewards (or how to unlock them). Gonna be a tight race to get everything else, even with keeping up on BGs, AW Showcase, Incursions, etc. Definitely would have been nice if there was some in-game way to keep track of available tickets and…dans How many banquet bundle tickets should I have right now? (FTP) Commentaire de Squirrelguy novembre 2024
Don't see why you are required to conflate competitive F2P accounts with arena grinding. Either use some metrics to show that arena grinding is necessary, change your premise to include all F2P competitive players (which is not a 1:1 equivalence to arena grinders), or just say that this impacts arena grinders particularly…
You have to get hit. Then you can hit into his block. The far bigger problem with Aegon is his AAR making some other nodes impossible to work around. I just spent 3 minutes on Thor not able to get past a knock-down call-out because there isn’t a straightforward method to not use AAR. This has been discussed already on the…
Try not spamming your own thread. That happens when a player’s game “crashes”, or restarts mid-fight (presumably so people can’t exploit the quit-out option, although it seems like a bit of an extreme consequence).
The timer while you are in the quest is unfortunately different than the timer of the quest in general. It’d be great if they lined up, but they don’t. Edit: they can show the same values, but do not always.
Not all rebalancing is done because of PVP interactions that are fairly straightforward. Seems unnecessary to me, and "absolutely guts" is hyperbole. Not mad about my R5 ascension at all. Masteries are an unguessable part of PVP fighting that you have to just guess about untill you play the fight. Maybe someone really…
I don't really see how this is different than any other thread/complaint about incursions except for the limited champion pool, which is compensated for by better rewards. Kabam even took our some of the RNG annoyance by allowing you a full list of boss hacks to choose from so you could guarantee at least a base level of…
They also arguably made this incursions more user-friendly than many in the past. Just the full buff list inclusion to the selector at the beginning means that you are guaranteed to not waste a run trying for a specific strategy.
Literally anyone, just plan for the right buffs to maximise their damage/reliability.
Ah, yeah I guess I assumed we’d only have access to one of the solo events, not both. That makes more sense I suppose.
Because this is one of the most level-headed disagreements that I have seen, I'll try to explain my own logic when these arguments are inevitably made. I've seen similar versions of what you've said for many a problem post, so let me generalize a bit (and then maybe I can just copy-paste this in the future): Inevitably…
Yeah, rough luck mate. Still, there are some decent rewards you can get for less. I also wish they wouldn't have made one reward for the exact max number of poolies you could get, and just had like a 500k great reward and allowed for some other fun smaller purchases. Ah whale.
Basically this. Stinks to have missed out on such easy rewards, but I'm certainly glad they exist in-game. I'll add that they didn't even need to include grace days. They could just have stacking objectives (or ones that stack onto previously achieved but unclaimed objectives) and then you would get the same rewards for…
I mean, clearly you care when an old champ isn’t good. There are still a solid number of Luke fans who were…. at least slightly mollified that he got a buff, although I’m sure they would have preferred better. I would love it if they gave Black Bolt even a decent buff. You seem to be simultaneously upset because you pulled…
Because the new champs shouldn’t need it? Have you read Ms Marvel’s ability page vs onslaught’s? New champs also have often been though balancing while old ones haven’t. Also, because apparently 80% of the forums wasn’t aware of this, Titans are meant as a limited pool to target champs, not for only new champs. This is…
If they’re called daily objectives, that could have just meant that new objectives drop daily. The original “daily objectives” lasted almost a week.
Just gonna reiterate this because I saw that the objectives didn’t end until the event did, so I wasn’t rushing to complete them on the first day….. rip all those rewards.
I saw that they were “daily objectives” somewhere in the post, but I assumed that since the timer on them didn’t run out until the end of the event that the new objectives would just be added on top of the first day. I realize that they’re not hard to do, but it could have been more clear that if you miss a single…
Awesome, would be interested in a write up. The biggest bummer is that Vox's synergy where he would give Medusa a 100% fury buff doesnt come into play until you would beant Kamala, which gives you only two fights left (though, to be fair, would be helpful against maestro). That is his biggest selling point to me so far,…
Hot take: neither. You should be able to get some 4*s with minimal effort, and even 5* or 6* soon. 3*s probably aren't worth your time unless you have your eyes on a very specific piece of content.
Let me just collect how I interpret your post:* BGs should not have any score related to time of fight. * It "is not possible to compete with time" because some accounts are better than others. * Champs that can finish a fight quickly get more points in a mode that rewards timliness than champions that take a long time but…
Kabam hasn’t nerfed him yet, nor would a rebalance make him unplayable or significantly less dominant. Wasn’t the whole point of the rebalance system to try to account for champs like Kitty and Herc that make their way through to playability before their full power is realized? I’m pretty sure I remember people saying that…
You mightt have had an argumant for "crazy" with Ms. Marvel, but not Mags.
How in the world do you have an account that large and yet go this ballistic over 2 victory shields? You've made several claims about speaking to customer service, so why are you confused about unproductive complaining on a completely unrelated thread to fellow players and not Kabam employees? Continue to speak to the…
Big congrats OP. As someone who optimistically would have had fun doing this but will never have the time, how long do you spend each day on this?
I feel like I’ve not heard many summoners claiming that Jabari is “bad”, just very underwhelming when compared to the likes of other crazy skill champs. Sure, she can have her uses, but that doesn’t mean that she’s “underestimated by 90% of the forums”. I would claim her as situationally useful, but not overwhelming in the…
You’d have more of an argument if you had pulled Elektra or something. He’s definitely still got uses, you’re just wanting something else. Look on the bright side.
I'm pretty sure I did that at like 2am, so my conscious brain can't give accurate feedback. Just have a plan
I was about to say, profile checks out.
I don't think I've evr had the guts to try that with Namor...... now I really want to. #NamorOPdans Which champions in 2024 can tank a special 3 and survive? Commentaire de Squirrelguy avril 2024