
  • I have an iPhone 6 too, and it never used to lag before, however now it does a lot on AQ fights! Granted, it's not as smooth as far as frame rate compared to the newer devices, but it used to get the job done when I needed to use it for fights. Most of the time right now it's so bad that I end up using my Girlfriend's…
  • You notice that the Mods don’t respond because they know this makes too much sense and it would benefit the players. Heaven forbid they do anything to improve the state and functionality of the game to our benefit! There isn’t even the candid response from @"Kabam Miike" saying, I’ll get your suggestion to the Devs. I’m…
  • I don't see this answered anywhere... is the 5* Awakening Gem a Generic Awakening? That would make a world of difference in how great a reward that we are receiving here for 100%!
  • 100... you're damn straight DS was a Beast. I could use him to clear any and all content with a BP team!! He was a beast in both AQ and AW, and like @DarthVadid said one of if not THE ultimate boss killer!
  • @Kingsam is being an Ass and trolling...
    dans Starlord Commentaire de Supaflyazn août 2017
  • I think the announcement said October quests will start trickling them out... kinda sucks because even the good 5* Basics aren't coming out until November.
  • @Kabamalicious I don't know... my mood as of late. Is it better in Cyan? lol
  • My first full R5 AQ team was the exact team they nerfed, Thor, SW and Dr. Strange... so, while I feel for those who did not have these champs, I don't think it means that I should have gotten punished for my luck, either. I spent tons of resources that were more scarce back then just to get them to 5/50. I got NOTHING in…
  • This ^ is exactly what I was thinking too. You are introducing 6*'s as the next best thing, but you fail to take into account that the initial 6* roster will be complete ****, save the one or two champs actually worthwhile. I have been blessed by the RNG gods, but many others in my Alliance have not. We are top tier, and…
  • This, plus the monthly calendar from this month has given more 5* shards than some of the other story quest and end-game stuff. I would say that's plenty of "free" handouts. I don't understand why people feel so entitled for doing nothing.
  • This, plus the monthly calendar from this month has given more 5* shards than some of the other story quest and end-game stuff. I would say that's plenty of "free" handouts. I don't understand why people feel so entitled for doing nothing.
  • Maybe you should use some of that money you have been milking us for these last few years and fix your damn servers instead of pushing 6*s that nobody (yes, not even the whales) asked for nor is ready for. Your server was fixed for like 30 min and back down again... that's ridiculous!!!
  • So 99% of us don't have a stacked roster of R4 5*s because the resources aren't readily available unless you 100% LOL. 5*s already costs a lot of resources to rank up. I am in a top 25 Ally, Top 100 in AW, and I don't want a moving finish line to end-game content. I would have liked to at least have been able to fully max…
  • You were able to grind for 2.5 Million BC in 2 weeks?! That sounds pretty improbable...
  • This, plus the monthly calendar from this month has given more 5* shards than some of the other story quest and end-game stuff. I would say that's plenty of "free" handouts. I don't understand why so many people feel entitled to get something for doing nothing.
  • @Imran SL saves tons of units for those of us who are skilled on end game content and in AQ/AW Tier 1 or Tier 2! I've been lucky & blessed to have gotten 5★ DV and 5★ AA duped... also 5★ Spark unduped
  • I agree with OP, I haven't opened my Map 5 crystals in a while because I am at capacity or near capacity in 4 of the 6 classes. Not to mention we kinda got screwed out of having a new Science champ with GG and Doc Ock being Tech. I think a couple weeks ago was the first time I've ever had to do the T1a arena. T1a's and…
    dans Tb4's and t1a's Commentaire de Supaflyazn août 2017
  • I think he's talking about the loading screen with Doc Ock and all the green everywhere... I don't think there's any other color but green.
  • Yes that is true, but his abilities are science related, chemistry, biology etc. which he uses to assess his opponent so this makes him sound like a science champion. I agree that he should be tech but I think based on his abilities he could be either. [/quote] Doc Oc uses Science research and analysis to gain his…
  • Doc is tech and gobby is science, and its *english[/quote] @LegoCrafter517 I was being sarcastic lol...
  • @Viper1987 I can't use Venom and Rhino for anything other than Arena fodder... Electro is okay on AW, but in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Defense people have figured him out... and I didn't get Vulture, so I can't comment on him. No, what it boils down to is I want a GOOD Science champ. Green Goblin and Doc Oc looked like they would…
  • Is this how they teach Engrish nowadays? Anyways, these reward increases look great! I'm glad that Kabam listened to us in this part of the game, good job. I hope that all of Spidey's new arch enemies in the game are not all Tech Class! Surely Doc Oc, as his name suggests as being a Scientist first and foremost, gets the…
  • Alright @Viper1987 I'm assuming you got what you wanted? Look man, I'm not throwing a temper tantrum... it's just not the ideal that I was hoping for. Especially since rumors are that Doc Oc is Tech? That would be the straw that broke the camel's back... Do you know how long I and a lot of the community have been waiting…
  • In true Director of Shield fashion, Kabam you Mother f*kers... @"Kabam Miike" @Ad0ra_ You are going to make me sit on this 5* Science Awakening gem that I spent my hard earned money on, because you decided to make the crystal a random class, instead of letting us choose what 5* Awakening gem class best suits us... I can't…
  • @Spicyslicer at match 20, it looks like you are matched up equally. Just choose one of the matches that you have a class advantage on right away. If the opponent's PI/Team Rating is the same as yours, then it's an even match, and you just need to fight better. When you say god match ups, I was expecting you to be facing…
  • Dude, so all the 40% XP boosts and XP from questing, and lack of t1a's help a Veteran how? They cut Veteran's access to Tier 1 Basics and Tier 1 Alphas severely by not including them in AQ milestones anymore. We can't rank up our top champs because of lack of these resources... we Veterans aren't progressing right now…
  • Go to: https://marvel.com/insider, create an account, and perform various activities for points, and to redeem codes.
  • @"Kabam Miike" Why has this not been addressed by a MOD or Developer yet? The insta-Neurotoxin at the start of the fight when fighting AA is definitely very noticeable in content such as Tier 1 AW! You just watch your health drain away without getting hit...
    dans Archangel Bug Commentaire de Supaflyazn juillet 2017
  • Agreed, no more re-skins!!! There are so many characters in the Marvel Universe... why in the hell do you feel the need to re-skin over and over?!?! Although, as a counterpoint, Spark (Spidey Stark) was the way Spidey should have been in the first place...
  • @"Kabam Miike" I wish that you guys wouldn't have included 2* Carnage in the crystal, as he was an exclusive to Marvel Insider rewards for 10,000 points... it just kinda defeats the exclusivity!