Tyu15 ★
I keep a ‘stable’ of **** champs that I sell over and over again any time I’m near to getting another 4 or 5 Star crystal. So, I’m still getting my max crystals most of the time. I think the best time to sell champs is early on in the game. When you don’t have any 4*s yet, I would def sell some 3*s to get there. The extra…
If ur carrying more deadweight than you’d like to admit, we could take on at least 12 of you, if ur ready to really trim down and go for it. We’re aroind 300k average. Wanting to do 5x5 and 3 wars per week.
Anyone still looking to merge? We wanna run 5x5 and 3 wars per week. About 300k average. We have about 18.
We are an alliance wanting to do 5x5 and 3 wars per week. We were about 9.5 mill, but we just lost a bunch from a failed merger. We have around 12 spots open. Would u be willing to move?
Btw, I also tried: mcoc-conquestordans Gold 2, 5x5 alliance looking to merge. Looking for about 15 members. Commentaire de Tyu15 avril 2018
Ur line ID doesn’t come up. Hit me up. My line id: celestinomoyadans Gold 2, 5x5 alliance looking to merge. Looking for about 15 members. Commentaire de Tyu15 avril 2018
Actually, we have 10 spots
U willing to move? Also, are all 12 committed. I think i only have 9 spots.
Haha. Awesome. Blessings on y’all! If I was new, I would def join. But, I’ve been with my crew a long time, and I just love them foos too much to leave. Lol. See u in the sky, my Bruthah!
Lemme know if ur still looking. We’ve got a good crew. We wanna do 5x5 and full wars. We finished low last season cuz of a failed merger, but our core is loyal and fun. No gamer divas or douches over here. Ha.
@Warofgods13514 Sorry, misunderstood ur comment. My response was actually to @charaderdude2 Anyway, anyone is welcome if u can handle map5 and war all week.
@Warofgods13514 Hey, that was just the max number we needed. We’ll take individuals, though. U found a home yet? I think we need around 9 now.
Gods vs. Trolls. Lemme get my popcorn.
Lol. U got tagged for abuse. That’s the Life, though, isn’t it? Choosing to follow someone who got killed by his own creation will always have its ups and downs. Bless u, Bro☺️
Unfortunately, the better u get at this game, the more douche bags u will encounter. It’s like getting rich, in a way. If u want the nice house, be prepared for obnoxious neighbors. Otherwise, just find a cool group of people and stick with them. U may not have the fanciest house, but it will be home.
Brainasium is looking to run 5x5 and 3 full wars per week, once we fill up. Looking for 13-14 ready to build something great. Contact me on Line: celestinomoya or Kik: Tyu15.
Gotcha @Starscean98. Thanks for the reply. Good luck finding a good match!
We use Kik. We have about 13-14 spots. We are about 300k average. Looking to do 5x5 and 3 wars per week. Find me at Tyu15 on Kik. Alliance is Brainasium.
@Starscean98 How strong are ur people? Brainasium is looking for around 13-14 people around 300k average. 5x5 and 3 full wars a week is the goal.
We found 1 person so far! Ha. Still plenty of spots
We want that, too. We need 12-14 people. But, we just got back home from trying to build somewhere else, and we wouldn’t be able to uproot again. You would need to come to us. Find my in game at Tyu15 or on Line at celestinomoya
@HoneyBunny Contact me at one of the ids listed.
Ha. We’re pretty much all level 60s.
Don’t listen to Apex. That is way over-simplified. There are different types of leadership and different people are attracted to each type. The key is to find out what type of leader you are, communicate that clearly, and then work to build the sort of team that appreciates what you bring. Anyway, good luck to ya!!
Individuals and smaller groups are welcome also!
We still have 8-9 spots available. Bring a group or come alone. Tyu15 in-game. Very fun group of people😊
@ElenaSabrine if u could shed a few more, we could be a match. Look me up ingame at Tyu15. Ally is sleeping Giants.
Message me, if ur still looking. In-game it’s tyu15. Ally is sleeping Giants. We’re aiming at 5x5 with emphasis on war. Hope to hear from u soon!
We’re also looking to merge. 5x5 and full war participation. We can take on 12. Anyone interested find me in-game at Tyu15.
Added u in game