Alliance Merge

We are currently exploring merging with another alliance in a similar situation (preferably to join us). Our top 12 is active in AQ and AW with 5 arena actives. My in-game id is bigarabia. We use Whatsapp to communicate and are always short on resources for map5 so we mostly do maps 4 and 3.
Let me know if your alliance is interested and we can take it from there. We are mostly working people in our late twenties to mid thirties with some 40+, and spread throughout the world - and we're very accommodating to real life. We just want to reach a point we we can complete 3 bgs in AQ and AW. No pressure on reaching milestones except for SA when needed.
Feel free to reach out either in-game or through this forum.
Let me know if your alliance is interested and we can take it from there. We are mostly working people in our late twenties to mid thirties with some 40+, and spread throughout the world - and we're very accommodating to real life. We just want to reach a point we we can complete 3 bgs in AQ and AW. No pressure on reaching milestones except for SA when needed.
Feel free to reach out either in-game or through this forum.
Added you. Seems like a good fit (members, timezone and communication means) with my ally.
3 & 4, hit me up in game if your interested AshleyyTweets