Wicket329 ★★★★★
It’s really not that bad of a fight, you just need to take the time to learn it. I’m no YouTuber and I soloed all four objectives without boosts or recoils or anything like that. Honestly, once you’ve learned it, this might be the easiest fight of the season.
I’m going Vision for the Aarkus synergy. Realistically, none of these champs are gonna get used for their own kits, so you gotta look at what synergies they have with champs you do use.
Yeah, it’s because he locks in his buffs with his heavy. Champs with heavy attacks that are big parts of their kit tend to have AIs that spam it like crazy.
Four solos. No recoils, no boosts. Super easy fight once you understand it. Just let Heimdall cycle sp1s to feed you power and you cycle sp3s to ignore the nodes. There is an opportunity for greater skill expression, but this is the easy way. OP, multiple people tried to help you, but you came out of the gate swinging.…
Nah, what they’re doing now is already way more important
I really tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, and responded with “what if I was the worst possible version of myself”
See, this is your problem. You think that if a person doesn’t have authority, they don’t deserve respect. But that’s not how community works. Everybody deserves respect until they demonstrate otherwise. And you, with this? Have pretty conclusively demonstrated you aren’t deserving of respect.
I’d also add that DPX’s method of ramp is just better. Idling and/or throwing light attacks is something that can be done in almost every piece of content in the game without worry of some kind of punishment mechanic (except Ikaris, the exception that proves the rule). Parrying is a behavior that is punished by several…
The big difference is in ramp up time/cooldowns. DPX’s ramp up is very short and he has no cooldown. BPCW has a longer ramp *and* has a cooldown. BPCW can get a bigger burst than DPX can, but DPX can get two or three full strength bursts in the time it takes for BPCW to get one.
Mate. You’re just trying to be contrarian. You have commented on so many of these “I got wrongfully banned” posts and consistently take the side of the person who got banned, and every time Crashed comes in and explains that, actually, they cheated. DNA knows what he’s talking about. It’s literally what he does for a…
OG Vision has a lot of good synergies, most importantly a great synergy with Aarkus that extends the shutdown effects of his armor shatter to all tech champs with the metal tag.dans Who would you pick from realm event's 7* rare champ selector? Commentaire de Wicket329 décembre 2024
Assuming Kabam continues what they’ve been doing, you’ll be able to awaken Deathless She-Hulk literally tomorrow.
Got Skill, debating between BPCW (awakened) or Hit Monkey (still sleepy).
Yup. The advice I give for Hit Monkey will be wildly different from Shocker who will be different from Dazzler, on and on. If a champion has low crit rate but gets the bulk of their damage from yellow numbers, you want crit rating. If they have guaranteed or near guaranteed crits, then you want crit damage rating. If they…
It varies from champion to champion, you’ll really need to ask about specific champs to get a useful answer to this question.
Because they aren’t unhappy with how it’s working. That’s just conjecture on your part, there’s no reason to believe they are, writ large, unhappy with it. Willpower does still work as it normally would in the overwhelming majority of content in this game, so it’s an unreasonable conclusion to reach, imo. It’s only in…
I am perfectly fine with some fights turning off Willpower. We have mastery loadouts now, it’s not hard to swap between the two in fights where that is necessary. I would like another loadout (standard, recoils, resonate, AWD), but Kabam turning off Willpower to give a fight a proper challenge is fine.
We don’t need to get into it with each other here. Let’s get into the holiday spirit and enjoy the gift that OP has provided here
Lol. Lmao, even. You made up a rule (that every new champion has to be as good as Serpent), made a decision based on that rule you made up, and then when reality didn’t conform to your fantasies, you demanded a refund. And then took swings at people pointing out how ridiculous that request is. Just take the L and call it a…
Aarkus and Nova are commonly seen as defenders, but I love using them on attack. Incredibly fun. And Hood is, imo, possibly the best buff control champion in the game since he has both a maintainable fate seal and a frequent stagger. I don’t think anybody thinks Hood is bad, but I do think he’s undervalued.
The champion who won that poll hasn’t even been buffed yet, why would the runner up get it first?dans What About Dr.Strange ? (Who still remember the 50/50 vote?) Commentaire de Wicket329 décembre 2024
I don’t think it’s a dealbreaker, but definitely increases the challenge. I’ve heard some people taking the Guardian path with unduped Wong, but I have no experience in that.
You seem intent on thinking I’m opposed to BGs even though I’m not and haven’t said anything to that end. BGs is a good mode! It’s just *not the only mode.* I already said in my original post that my preferred content is stuff like Eternity of Pain and Necropolis and Carina’s Challenges. Is that a “better effort to reward…
Yeah, you gotta roll 4d6 and drop the lowest for this one
Nobody here is hating on BGs, we’re just saying it’s not the only relevant game mode. Everything you said can be true and still not contradict what I’ve said.
There is a literal counter of people who disagree with you. The thing you quoted is me disagreeing with you. What are you doing, man? I don’t often say this on here, but I really think this is a touch grass situation.
Hey real quick what does this have to do with rank ups for BGs? OP, your tone in this entire thread is “I am the smartest person in every room I walk into,” and that’s just gotta be an exhausting way to move through life. Did you know that some of us rank up champions in this game for fun? Shocking, I know! My R3 Aarkus…
But you were never “stuck.” You would’ve easily been able to handle the content even without the perks of Banquet. Plus we’ve seen speed runners hit Valiant completely F2P in under two weeks, again without Banquet. The idea that Banquet is somehow allowing undeserving people to progress (also, absolutely lol at the idea of…
I think this was always planned. The fact that it went live overnight on a weekend further backs up that idea, a time when Kabam has never previously dropped content. I believe this was prebuilt to appear some time after hitting the Isophyne dupe.