Wong_98 ★★★★
It’s a double edged sword, there’s benefits and drawbacks
There’s a timer for a reason. Yes, week one will go away when week two comes
That’s normal, I get champs that just stay on the screen all the time
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This is so not true. Anyone who completes the quest with any champ will get the extra point at some time before the winter of woe ends
I’ve been playing around with mine, and just at rank one he’s absolutely blowing my mind. I can’t wait to r2 and eventually r3 him
Yeah, about 67 million people are
The aar from assassin only kicks in while you’re below 18(?)% health, which is probs why you didn’t notice it
I pulled him last night, I was so ecstatic I forgot to ss
Are you holding the block input, or the special button?
Yes, it actually is hard. It’s at least a six month process, they need to try to stay in character, and they need to get buffs approved by marvel
Better yet, turn off global
Calendars have never been updated after they came out, you needed to get the new progression before it came out
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You basically just asked the same question three different ways lol To answer your question, I think that they will probably go into the base pool
What’s the best way to learn Tigra? I never really cared to learn her, but now I have incentive to lol
Yeah! This thread is back!
That happens sometimes, if you restart the game it should be fixed
I’d buy them if they were 20 a pop, not 100
Damn, that’s absolutely insane. Me myself personally for my acct, I would pick abs since I already have the other two. However, in your case I’d say go for scorp, as he shuts down so much, it’s actually pretty insane
Matinence mode won’t help them fix bugs any faster. Games can work on stuff while the app is in use. Idk what language they use, but I’m just gonna say unity for the sake of argument. They can have 5 billion people playing the game at any given moment, but that won’t do anything to stop the developers making hot fixes to…
Turn off caps, and don’t necro threads
What champs were in that selector?
If you find that offensive, I wish you luck in real life
@"Kabam Jax"
So sorry for the bump, but we’re LF1
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