**Mastery Loadouts**
Due to issues related to the release of Mastery Loadouts, the "free swap" period will be extended.
The new end date will be May 1st.


  • I realize they are different but why is there such a massive discrepancy between his prestige and his PI where as most line up normal and are inflated across the board with masteries?
  • This is an absolute joke, these guys at kabam could teach a class on how to ruin a game and make it feel like a job.
  • This update is accelerating the death of this game way quicker than anticipated. I can say I will never spend another dime on this game and have lost all faith in this company to get it right for once.
  • They want these forums to be constructive and positive but man you guys at kabam make it very hard to do so. This AW update doesn't need a tweak it needs to go in the trash. The mode is called Alliance War the winner should be decided on skill not someones abilty to rank 5 joe fixit and put him in on defense which gets 0…
  • Why can't we just have a game where skill is the deciding factor?? I mean isn't that what happens when you play any game or sport for that matter? We play and improve and have fun getting better and improving at it. This system is so flawed and rewards the player for not getting better at the core mechanics of the game but…
  • This game will be dead within the year if Kabam doesn't do something very soon
  • Im guessing people commenting on here have never cried its too difficult. There is a huge fundamental difference between difficult and cheap. Thorns is cheap unless you have Yondu and maxed out pacify, infinity blast is unavoidable damage, the collector fight is cheap. There are plenty of ways to make this game mode…
  • Agree with everything you said, AW is boring. Half of my energy is spent teleporting through portals to empty tiles and the few fights I get to take are just about as difficult as an arena fight. This game doesn't reward anyone for being skilled in the few gameplay mechanics there are. It's turned into just a time dump…
  • So a week goes by and its still not there, why is it so hard to just give us a date for the 5 stars? I don't get it.
  • hands down carnage
  • bump
  • @"Kabam Miike" can you release the new featured 5 star schedule so we can plan please this affects people way more than it seems.
  • Thank you for posting this I was literally watching the timer on AA and then was extremely disappointed when psylocke didn't show up and that pile of trash civil warrior is still there. Would love to hear why this is and if the schedule is indeed incorrect. @"Kabam Miike"
  • Magik and MD are very easy to counter, this is a whiny and ridiculous claim. If you take away MD or dexterity triggering it this game is way to easy at the higher level. There is a counter to everything in this game you just need to figure it out with your alliance so someone has it covered. Oh yea that and get good at the…
  • The lack of moderator attention to this thread is ridiculous. I love how Kabam makes characters no one gives a **** about in the Marvel Universe amazing yet the fan favorites and characters we have been wanting forever are utter trash in this game. All we are asking is make this character at least usable in game content…
  • @Ross979 Lol no one said make him un beatable, I would just settle for him being usable and be able to be used the way he was intended to.
  • @"Kabam Miike" please play a run through of any of the content with carnage and feel the pain we feel. He is the worst of the worst and his sig ability doesn't even work or its so un noticeable it might as well do nothing. I find it impossible that someone could have tested this character, at this point he is nothing but a…
  • What were these developers thinking with his bleed? It is completely useless on so many levels. Oh and when you crit and they are bleeding you get an additional 50 damage for a whopping .5 seconds. His bleed as a 5/50 is that of a 3 star, its actually embarrassing. The fact that you have to bring this to the developers…
  • What were they thinking with his bleed? If he is a bleed champ then why does it only proc on a heavy or sp 3 and why is only 20-30 per tic? Triggering multiple bleeds only lasts .5 seconds you can't even see the extra damage. I swear no one at Kabam could have tested this mechanic, and if they did and thought hey that…
  • I have a 5/50 carnage and he is BY FAR the absolute worst in the game. I understand his mechanics and his buff system and even with 4 cruelty buffs and 1 precision buff he hits like a 3 star character. His bleed lasts .5 seconds and does 60 damage per tic and will be cancelled out by willpower. This is actually a joke with…