Whole team AW punishment for one member piloting?

FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
Ok, just want to ask a question and I’m trying not to cause any trouble or anything kabam, you guys are cool and I love the game...just had a issue that as a seasoned MCOC player I don’t understand and I hope you or anyone on the fourms could explain to me. I just found out that a player on our team was caught piloting and was banned, I have no issue with that and I can understand why they are banned...it’s just not fair gameplay, but as a leader of a so so alliance with mostly members that have been with me for a long time we have never had a problem...we are very active and have lots of fun playing the game and conversing, now the issue I see here is I know we took in some new members and I’m sure every alliance has and does and we have no idea of who they are or what they are doing, just go by there conversations and see how active they are...as far as I know there is no way to tell who is doing what wheather it be good or bad. Now my issue is, why would you punish the whole team and take there hard earned war rating away?...it doesn’t seem fair that the team as a whole would take the fall...wouldn’t it be fair to just ban the moron and take it out on them?, other than a mail message I don’t know who the main person is that did the piloting thing but as I said the whole team is very active and when I find out that a member hasn’t played for a week I’ll know who it is and kick them out, so it’s like a double whammy for them. Just don’t know why the whole teams at fault, and I can see if someone was piloting during the wars and we won that’s a false victory and should have that one players that cheated have there earned points taken away, not the whole team. Kabam you could really help us leaders/officers out if there was a way to screen our new recruits before we take them in...that would help everyone out, or have a blacklist of people who are known piloting. Now I know that this kind of feature is impossible but the way it seems is that your basically taking a chance every war with members that you have no idea of what there doing, that the whole team will be punished. There has got to be a better way then this. Why would players spend hours of there time wasted in a war they can’t win if by some chance a person is cheating and you loose anyway. I’m just very confused about the all for one and one for all punishment, could you please explain why that is please?


  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    @Kabam Miike or any mod, please take my post light at heart, not trying to start any issues or anything, I just had a legit question maybe you can answer for me and maybe others. Really love the game and play everyday, just didn’t want to waste 5 minutes of my time asking a question and have it removed, please read and be understanding. Thank you all.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I filled out a support ticket for some insight on this question, just got one of those automated emails like always, seems they don’t have a answer to the question or wasn’t aware. You mods and community are the last hope in answering my question or explaining why. Please do what you can when you have time, I would just really like to know....maybe there’s someway I can screen our new recruits so this won’t happen again.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    It's not as simple as just taking away their Points. When cheating takes place, the entire Ally earns Points and/or Wins. The Ally benefits from the cheating. It's an unfortunate aspect of being in a team. When one falls, everyone falls.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    It's not as simple as just taking away their Points. When cheating takes place, the entire Ally earns Points and/or Wins. The Ally benefits from the cheating. It's an unfortunate aspect of being in a team. When one falls, everyone falls.

    I definitely agree with you on that, but there’s lots of good people that play the game right that get hurt, and without anyway to screen a new recruit we are kinda left in the dark...know what I mean? I believe there is more to the question at hand, I’m aware of what you stated, I appreciate your insight though.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I’m not a game developer, and only play the game but if there was a track record of cheating players posted, like a black list that leaders/officers can access it would be nice....now I know it’s impossible, with the name changes and such made easy today but it would be a great idea or a start of something good. If you really look at it, I mean if in reality you was in war and had a platoon of soldiers and one runs across to the enemy’s side unarmed and gets killed would it be fair to say that whole platoon also instantly dies because of the non team players mistakes?
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    edited October 2018
    I’m not a game developer, and only play the game but if there was a track record of cheating players posted, like a black list that leaders/officers can access it would be nice....now I know it’s impossible, with the name changes and such made easy today but it would be a great idea or a start of something good. If you really look at it, I mean if in reality you was in war and had a platoon of soldiers and one runs across to the enemy’s side unarmed and gets killed would it be fair to say that whole platoon also instantly dies because of the non team players mistakes?

    "plausible deniability"

    that's why you can't have nice things, and why you can swear on someone's relatives grave x29 times that you collectively had no idea there was a cheater in your midst BUT there's no way to know if each and every one of those 29 + 1 knew exactly what was really going on. Also: "guilt by association."
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  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
    btw, newbie here, what is the definition of piloting ?
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I’m not a game developer, and only play the game but if there was a track record of cheating players posted, like a black list that leaders/officers can access it would be nice....now I know it’s impossible, with the name changes and such made easy today but it would be a great idea or a start of something good. If you really look at it, I mean if in reality you was in war and had a platoon of soldiers and one runs across to the enemy’s side unarmed and gets killed would it be fair to say that whole platoon also instantly dies because of the non team players mistakes?

    "plausible deniability"

    that's why you can't have nice things, and why you can swear on someone's relatives grave x29 times that you collectively had no idea there was a cheater in your midst BUT there's no way to know if each and every one of those 29 + 1 knew exactly what was really going on. Also: "guilt by association."

    For a mobile game you hardcore players really take it to serious and it’s kinda silly, not everyone is the same as everyone else, not a big deal about the war rating, the piloting fool got banned and will be kicked, life goes on...guilty by association, come on give me a break....you make it sound like a real world crime, when the cyber police come knocking you all take the fall, what a joke. I’m sure one cheater on a team didn’t do much for a AW victory, like you said there’s 29 other members playing on the same ground. I have a hard time posting on here because there is always community members that swear by the grace of god they know everything about the game and in reality they haven’t got a clue...you didn’t make the game or design it or set the rules....the question was for a mod because they have the insight to give the right answer, I appreciate your input but your just a player like me so we really don’t know for sure if that answer is correct or not...plus your in jail, so your not essentially the person to tell me how things are, you must of had a gripe or question that didn’t go over well on the fourms and the real power like the modes put that cage over you. I wasn’t looking for speculation or even want our fellow community thinks about it....I want a moderator to answer the question because there the ones that only know for sure about how the game runs and works and can give a honest set in stone answer...everyone else is just there option and speculation, at the end of the day if your not a moderator or collecting paychecks from kabam then you answer for the question is just what you think and not solid. Don’t do the moderators job, I would like a answer from them if they have the time to answer me, just a simple question that’s going to take a real employee of kabam to answer for sure.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    btw, newbie here, what is the definition of piloting ?

    That means that a person with a game account gives there login and password to someone else so they can play there account, so basically it’s your account but someone else is playing it for you. I’m not a mod but I know for sure this is what it’s considered, hope that helps :)
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Why do you hate paragraphs so much?

    I know my postings have a bit of length to them, I’m sorry for that. I believe if you have a question about something your want to make sure the person answering the question has enough information needed as possible to answer the question the best they can with info needed. Kinda like buying a car...if you walk into a dealership and tell the guy “Hey, I wanna buy a car.” Sure the guy can help but he’s really not know what type of car your interested in and the guy would need to fill in the blanks and that’s wasted time and energy, now if you walk in and say “Hey I’m looking to buy a 2007 Ford F-150 pickup truck with low miles and a automatic transmission with a V8...and I need a four wheel drive.” The dealership guy would know exactly what your looking for and could take you directly to what your looking for. For me, just be detailed on what your looking for and your get the most accurate answer or help from people. Great example, pick up the phone and order a pizza...just say “I would like-to order a pizza” see what the guy on the other end ask.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    @Kabam Miike or any other moderator with the know facts of the question at hand, all I want as a player of your game is a simple answer only your team knows the real right set in stone answer for, isn’t a big deal for most but I would really like to know how this comes about. Would really appreciate your time and energy to reply to the question so I can leave and continue to play the game. No problems, no trouble making just a question that only you can explain....don’t want this question setting for to long because the dogs are going to start overthinking and picking it apart. It’s said by the support ticket team themselves to post here for a definitive answer, just doing what I was advised to do. Thank you for your time and energy on the matter.
  • Starks_standin1Starks_standin1 Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2018
    @FrankCYoung I think they owe you an answer. When they issue a ban or drop in war rating and won’t even show proof of violations or punish people that have no control over other’s actions, it doesn’t seem fair. The only ones in control are Kabaam not Leaders, officers or other players. It’s like issuing a speeding ticket to the passenger of a speeding car and every other car next to the speeding car just for being around at the time of the incident. I think they should take piloting, and use of 3rd party apps seriously and those found in violation should be punished, But to not provide proof of findings or by punishing innocent summoners for other’s actions is a mindset that I hope to God never becomes the attitude of Leaders in actual power. @Kabam Miike
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    @Starks_standin1 Thank you for actually reading my whole post and understanding, I appreciate the reply very much, you my friend are a top notch person with a heart and brain unlike a few in the community that heckle and don’t give a care about anything until it happens to them. Wasn’t asking for anything, nor do I want anything other then the true answer of why the whole team got punished over one rouge...that quite frankly we didn’t know what he or she was doing and just thought everyone was playing the game legitimately. I could understand if our whole team was in cahoots and was planning on doing the piloting thing, but that wasn’t the case...was only one player,...now we don’t run a top alliance and we are just below average when it comes to alliances in general...we don’t win every war but that’s not the point with us, we are a group that has been together for a long time and enjoy each other’s company on the battlefield...we are not great, but half way decent. Now I know over the years we did recruit new players that we didn’t know from Adam and with no way to screen new players it’s hard to tell if the player is a honest John or not...basically rolling the dice on every new recruit, and other alliances should think about that as well, if one of your teammates was cheating and your whole team gets punished for his misdeeds I would hope that the leader/officer or someone on the team would reach out to the moderators or send in a support ticket to get a definitive answer why it has to be that way, what’s the fairness in the action....I mean the rouge teammate did of course get banned and very soon kicked when I see the inactive player, he got punished and rightfully so....but the whole team, why...doesn’t make sense to me. Now a few that commented said the whole team take the fall because of winning wars with a cheater....well, we don’t win many wars and the ones we do are because of the members I known for years with there hard work, there’s no way that a new recruit below our ratings can could ever turn a tide on a fight...they have problem even making it two spots up the map without get KOed. So with the one person that was cheating made 29 other guys win a war...that’s hog wash...anyone that knows AW knows it take teamwork to win with multiple players. So thank you for your understanding on the matter, hopefully I’ll get a reply from a moderator soon....all I want is a answer to a legit question and only they can answer it for sure. I messaged a mod to look over my post and see what they think...haven’t heard back yet. I definitely wouldn’t be wasting my time on these post if I didn’t care, just don’t seem right for the other fellas on the team to get punished along with myself.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I love the LOLs on my post...I guess this is a funny subject, no need to find the correct answer to a legit question, sorry people for actually trying to find out something that could benefit us all, to know a solid answer. The ones that wrote me reply’s that think there some kinda weekend developer and know why actually don’t know nothing, and on top of that other people press the agree on there reply’s like there right...give me a break, the only ones that know for sure of what’s going on is the moderators or developers of the game....just because you play the game doesn’t mean you made the game and rules. If you have a legit question and ask for a higher up that works for the game company to answer there’s nothing wrong with that and only them people should know the answer...not us players. So unless you get a paycheck from kabam your answer is only your opinion and doesn’t mean anything. The community has a fair share of trolls and know it alls when they know nothing...definitely sad, this use to be the place to ask the questions with unknown answers, to get ahold of a moderator for help on a issue, now it seems this is last place you wanna go to ask a question...shouldn’t be that way.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I’d be happy with a personal message from a moderator to just find out the answer, doesn’t need to be posted on here. @Kabam Miike you can shoot me a message anytime when you get a chance, I would very much appreciate the info that you give. Thanks :)
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    This seems like a difficult question to answer, I hope you moderators can find out the answer, just don’t want my post to die and not get any attention or be ignored, I would like to think as a long time player and supporter of the game I would at least be good enough to get a answer on a legit question, the game Monopoly comes with instructions and rules on how to play the game, don’t know why this would be any different...I reviewed the TOS for the game multiple times along with the piloting ban post that was put up by the moderators and there is no explanation of whole team punishment of why that is or how that’s figured up to protect the war season...it definitely protects the war season but in turn hurts the team that had one bad egg, so I don’t understand the logic of it....you want to protect the season but not the players of the season. Hey I’m glad and happy your cracking down on the piloting cheaters, that’s awesome and my hat goes off to you for helping keep the game clean and fair...they should be terminated, but how does it figure to punish a whole team, who and how was that decided fair for the legitimate honest players of the game, wouldn’t you want to keep them unhurt by what the cheaters are doing? Just does not make sense to me and I’m sure a lot of other people feel the same way, you set forth a great set of tools to catch and ban cheaters on your end, but in all fairness there should be a set of tools available for leaders/officers to screen new recruits with so we don’t get them bad players and protect our good players on the team. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious would definitely appreciate any info you could give on the subject, I know it might take time to get a legit answer and I understand that, just would like to have a moderator say they are looking into it and will find out the answer to my question, that would be awesome and appreciated.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Seems like a simple question that’s shrouded in mystery...i read the piloting post and it goes in detail of what and why it’s in place and what it protects but nothing really on detail or a breakdown of the whole team punishment...it just briefly states that. I believe it should be explained better for everyone to understand not just me, we all care for our team and teammates or at least I do.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, the forums aren't the place to discuss actions taken on game accounts, including bans. Additionally, while I understand your request for more information about specific players, we are not able to share details of anyone else's account. As for the actions taken within the game, we have our current practices in place in order to prevent alliances from potentially gaining advantages through unsportsmanlike conduct and so that we can keep the Contest as fair as possible for all players.
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