Penalised for playing fair and not cheating

Kabam reps were fair enough answering and then closing the thread where a player who got docked this season in aw complained but they didnt take the time to answer my concerns....
Heres my original post / question:
I wanted to post my own topic but i will write here since its in the same category..... Alliance i am in from 4 wars we lost in this season atleast 2 of them ( my opinion is all 4) were against piloting alliances or should i say alliances that got punished.
So my question is if alliance got caught cheating and moved down and still the same people are playing the game including ( and thats what every alli says that gets punished) " that 1 person " that broke the rules, how can i know that they didnt cheat against my alli aswell and so taking the win and rewards away from us.
We are not the best players but we do our best and we play fair and use boosts and all other stuff if necessary and we dont pilot but still we get punished matching those alliances.
So now instead being in plat3 for the first time we are back in gold1 .
We lost atleast 2 win bonuses , atleast 1k 5* shards from not winning wars and the difference of end of season gold1 to plat3 rewards.
So Kabam and all you cheating/ piloting alliances ..... what about us?
So kabam reps.... any idea how you can fix that honest allies who face those piloting allies get their rewards back?
Or is it just a fu to us
Heres my original post / question:
I wanted to post my own topic but i will write here since its in the same category..... Alliance i am in from 4 wars we lost in this season atleast 2 of them ( my opinion is all 4) were against piloting alliances or should i say alliances that got punished.
So my question is if alliance got caught cheating and moved down and still the same people are playing the game including ( and thats what every alli says that gets punished) " that 1 person " that broke the rules, how can i know that they didnt cheat against my alli aswell and so taking the win and rewards away from us.
We are not the best players but we do our best and we play fair and use boosts and all other stuff if necessary and we dont pilot but still we get punished matching those alliances.
So now instead being in plat3 for the first time we are back in gold1 .
We lost atleast 2 win bonuses , atleast 1k 5* shards from not winning wars and the difference of end of season gold1 to plat3 rewards.
So Kabam and all you cheating/ piloting alliances ..... what about us?
So kabam reps.... any idea how you can fix that honest allies who face those piloting allies get their rewards back?
Or is it just a fu to us
This discussion has been closed.
I apologize for not having addressed your concerns in a previous thread. With that being said, if you or anyone else in your Alliance ever notice something suspicious in an Alliance War, I recommend reaching out to our Support Team to report it.
You can submit a Support ticket by clicking on the gear shaped icon, located in the top left corner of the game's Home screen. From there, tap the button that says “Support”, and then tap on the option for “Need more help? Contact us”.
When emailing our Support Team to report behavior you are concerned about, please try to include the following information:
- Date and time that this occurred
- Name of the suspected player/Alliance
- A detailed description of any strange behavior during the battles and of the Champions used
- Any relevant screenshots or videos
Once we receive a cheating report, an investigation will be conducted to determine if any form of cheating has actually occurred, and if necessary, appropriate actions will be taken to punish the offending player/Alliance.
In the event that you submit a cheating report and we find out that your Opponent was cheating, I can understand why you would like to receive the Rewards your Alliance could have potentially won if this had not occurred. However, due to our Privacy Policy, we're unable to provide you with any details regarding our investigation, and unfortunately, giving such Rewards would ultimately share the results of that investigation with you.
I'll go ahead and close this thread now but I'd like to thank you for playing fairly and reporting anything suspicious that you notice in The Contest. We really do appreciate all the help we receive from players in the form of cheating reports as this allows us to be much more effective at catching and punishing anyone who violates our Terms of Service.