Summoned Symbioid goes nowhere when sold

I am trying to sell my Symbioid, but every time I confirm the sale nothing happens. He stays in my roster and I don’t get any of the rewards. I’m running today’s 21.0 update on iOS 12.1 and an iPhone X🅂.
We have not sold anybody's Summoned Symbioid, because we want to let you say goodbye first! He was ranked down, so he won't be near the Top of your Roster anymore, Try filtering for 1 Star Champions, or sorting from Lowest Hero rating.
I scrolled all the way to the end of the roster screen with no filters or sorting and tried with the same result.
Was on my AQ team as well and unable to sell.
Yes, this is very likely the case. When does the AQ actually end? We have mentioned this in other threads. You can't sell a Champion that is involved in AQ or AW until it is over.
Another 7 hours on this one. I can try again after. I thought if he was freed up it should work but maybe not. Might be a good idea to provide some feedback in the UI either blocking the sale or saying that the reason the sale failed is the champ is in AQ (for all champs, not just the Symbioid, if the behavior is the same for them all).