Gold realm every 4th week of month

@Kabam Miike
Can we please get a gold realm on a consistent basis? I've run and beat every content and all arena milestones for the most part, and still don't have enough to rank any high champs but once a month. Not enough gold.
There's also not enough options for gold besides quests. Cashing in arena crystals for gold is always underwhelming. Same thing goes for gold crystals. 99/100 it's 2400 gold. Not nearly enough to keep me interested in my champs and their rank ups. Can you update the rewards to match current 4* and 5* rank ups? I honestly don't think they've been update for over a year now.
Insert a gold realm week. Not even asking to have it run daily. Although, most people would love you for it. You can promote it 1 week before the new EQ month, or the week it debuts. It doesn't really matter.
Can we please get a gold realm on a consistent basis? I've run and beat every content and all arena milestones for the most part, and still don't have enough to rank any high champs but once a month. Not enough gold.
There's also not enough options for gold besides quests. Cashing in arena crystals for gold is always underwhelming. Same thing goes for gold crystals. 99/100 it's 2400 gold. Not nearly enough to keep me interested in my champs and their rank ups. Can you update the rewards to match current 4* and 5* rank ups? I honestly don't think they've been update for over a year now.
Insert a gold realm week. Not even asking to have it run daily. Although, most people would love you for it. You can promote it 1 week before the new EQ month, or the week it debuts. It doesn't really matter.
Hahahaha I'm pissing my pants lmao
Nope, the "whales" (who get their units from arena and BC's) have like 16-20 million gold. And who in their right mind would spend units on gold crystals?
That was my same response when I heard this a while ago. Maybe most whales are not starving of gold again because of the 3 times the gold quests have run in the game, but I'm sure it was a struggle in the past for some to get the required gold to rank up 5*s if they didn't do enough arenas. I"ve seen Seatin mention as much in some videos and credits the gold realms for bumping up his stash of gold. I'm no whale and I'm sitting on 6 million thanks mainly to arena and gold quests, but relying on getting enough gold from arenas alone to rank up champs is challenging as it is. And Kabam is always looking to find ways to milk its playerbase, so I can't see gold realms coming back in a hurry. Hope they do though.
I'll pass this along to the team, but I can't make any promises. I'm also going to move this to the correct Sub-Forum.
The fact you used Seatin as a source makes your point even more invalid. I spoke with Lord Havok a year ago before Gold realms and he said that people grind so much arena that they can afford Map 6 on their own, and Gold crystals only give like 2400 on average so using units on that is a waste of resources and time
Yeah I used a YouTuber as a reference , one who is one of the more recognizable names in the MCoC community, has thousands of subscribers, is in one of the top alliances and despite being kinda of a scrub player, makes a lot of content that are actually useful to parts of the playerbase. As opposed to...who? Sorry I've been playing for just under a year so I have no idea who Lord Havok. Apologies for my ignorance if he is/was a top player himself.
Suit yourself then mate.
Gold realm request was just to give more options. If you don't need to run them, then don't. I left it as a like an "upgrade week" for new champs, or whatever promotional phrase you want to call it. I'm kinda surprised at the opposition towards the idea.
Thanks @Kabam Miike
A better fix would be more gold for each event, raise it by 25% and people should have enough. Again won't happen
This is a money stream for Kabam, and they won't want to affect that. Nor should they, they are here to make money, this is a business. But it would be nice
To the others saying grind arenas more, some people can't due to work, kids, RL etc. Just because you have the time to do this doesn't mean they are wrong for not having the time. Some would say the fact that they have less game time because they have more RL means they are actually the lucky ones, and the ones that have nothing in RL so have tonnes of game time are the ones to really pity. Haters got to be hating though, haven't you guys?