Iron Fist Improvements

J_PattJ_Patt Member Posts: 67
I love using Iron Fist but i feel like he needs some improvements. I feel his armor break reduction should be increased so tough cosmics can go down easier than it is now without a problem. I also would like it if you incorporated his "glowing fist" into his fighting style. You could make it so if you swipe back and block you can activate the iron fist or when you activate a special attacks it's unleashed. Speaking of special attacks i feel his should have a new animation as well. Also when the iron fist is activated, Danny should have increased critical rating.
I hope you guys consider these improvements to make Iron Fist a even better champ.


  • J_PattJ_Patt Member Posts: 67
    @JSnook i definitely agree he should be fixed before they even consider my suggestions.
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  • CosmicMageCosmicMage Member Posts: 5
    Let's hope it happens in the next update.
  • DanbambamDanbambam Member Posts: 27
    And please give him more HP!
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    He's not "broken" per se... He did get hit really hard by the game changes, as his ability (armor break) is now useless after 1-2 breaks.

    So, while he is "working as designed" now, he DOES need a rework or huge buff.
  • gav112gav112 Member Posts: 2
    Really Hope Iron Fist can improve better ..
  • SlySlySlySly Member Posts: 352 ★★
    Bump , @Kabam Miike Pls give an us answer
  • Kabam ValkyrieKabam Valkyrie Moderator Posts: 698
    Hey guys!

    Just wanted to let you know, I have moved this to the correct part of the forums. This will help it be seen as well as keeps our forums in order :)
  • J_PattJ_Patt Member Posts: 67
    @Kabam Valkyrie thank you
  • Dynax_The_Great1Dynax_The_Great1 Member Posts: 26
    Is there any clarification here by Kabam that Iron fist is indeed being worked on?

    Just did some "testing" with my r3 sig 54, 5* Iron Fist. Took him into ROL against winter soldier with a mutant Crit team. (4*wolv 4*red mags, 5* storm, 5* cyclops)
    Took me 425 hits to take him down. Even when he had 4-5 stacks of Armor break on, the damage wasn't anything to look twice at especially for (what once was) a pretty solid damage dealer.

    Im not one of those people to complain about changes, but this champ is clearly broken and not working correctly.
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Any champ who previously dealt % damage has been adversely affected by the changes.

    SW SP2
    All storm specials
    Electro specials

    Just to name a few, none are doing as much damage, maybe they did more damage before because the % model was not balanced?
  • J_PattJ_Patt Member Posts: 67
    @Dynax_The_Great1 he definitely isn't working how he should be so it's not just you, and he should be fixed to work properly.
  • Sir_PootingtonSir_Pootington Member Posts: 45
    Iron fist is mostly just a joke character now. Poor iron fist...
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    The main problem about iron fist is that most of time his 2nd hit in a combo doesnt connect which is the main reason why i dont use him
  • OMMOMM Member Posts: 18
    I wish Kabam would share with us which champs are being worked on to upgrade and while they are at it ask the player base in the forums (here) for any suggested changes or improvements. Yeah sure you are soliciting feedback that may not always be overly useful in all cases as some players will post unrealistic changes and some will whine about champs being over powered but it would be nice if the communication improved. For the amount of money that this game generates I'm truly astounded by the lack of "REAL" communication between the players and development.
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    However they choose to do it, Iron Fist really should deal out more damage than he does. I really enjoy fighting with the character, but his low health and zero armor needs to be balanced out somewhere and his damage output used to be worth it.
  • BassamistaBassamista Member Posts: 33
    Glowing fist
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    However they choose to do it, Iron Fist really should deal out more damage than he does. I really enjoy fighting with the character, but his low health and zero armor needs to be balanced out somewhere and his damage output used to be worth it.

    I agree he needs improved. Personally I think he needs a bit more resilience; rather than more offensive power. Why does he have zero armour in the first place? Also, he's a mystic, and is supposed to be able to use his Chi for healing as well as for offense.

    Why not give him either an offensive Heavy 'charging' ability like Mordo/Ms Marvel, or a defensive Blocking/Charging ability like Gambit? With a glowing first, obviously. Based on his power set, this could legitimately be used either for acquiring Fury, or for low-level regeneration/debuff removal.

    Finally, why is the much harder to acquire Immortal Iron Fist less powerful than the standard one? I don't see how our champions should be able to Unbreak their armour by hitting him (unless IIF's Armour Break is being used as an alternative type of Karnak's 'Focus'). But still - special version/less powerful: why?

    So if one is changed, so should the other be. Perhaps one could be made more offensive, the other more defensive?
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  • Nggy85Nggy85 Member Posts: 26
    he could have a passive chi armour that would be a good start
  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    OK, "If I remember my comics right."He can heal him self, but only outside of combat.
    So let him do the dodge back and hold block for 3 seconds for a healing factor. Healing stops as soon as your attacked or let go of block.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    This discussion has gained traction and attention from the community. Can we get a response from a moderator or someone from Kabam?
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Hey gang!

    Dropping by to let you all know that even if we aren't responding to posts we do see most of them. Unfortunately, some do slip out of sight. I apologize that we haven't gotten around to this one or others, but know that we'll be taking your feedback to the appropriate teams.

    @Mr_Otter - Awesome post you previously made! I apologize we missed out on it. Definitely going to make sure we share it where we need to. Thanks for taking the time to write that all up!

    With all that said, I do have to remind everyone that "bumping" a discussion is against our forum rules and is not permitted. Please keep this in mind. Thank you, everyone! Keep up the constructive feedback!
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Hey gang!

    Dropping by to let you all know that even if we aren't responding to posts we do see most of them. Unfortunately, some do slip out of sight. I apologize that we haven't gotten around to this one or others, but know that we'll be taking your feedback to the appropriate teams.

    @Mr_Otter - Awesome post you previously made! I apologize we missed out on it. Definitely going to make sure we share it where we need to. Thanks for taking the time to write that all up!

    With all that said, I do have to remind everyone that "bumping" a discussion is against our forum rules and is not permitted. Please keep this in mind. Thank you, everyone! Keep up the constructive feedback!

    Ok but are you going to fix him?
  • WTFbreakerbreakWTFbreakerbreak Member Posts: 8
    Sooo...been a few years
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
    Amen... IF should be on the list over Abomination, considering his rarity
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