I cannot believe my luck...

First was Cap IW, then Nebula. I thought for sure number three would be a dud, but I got Winter Soldier next. A solid champ, and he has a decent synergy with the 4* Black Widow on my current roster. I thought for sure that the fourth from Odin's Vault today would be the dud, but I couldn't believe it when I saw Nick Fury! Throw in a 4* Thing that I got this morning, and I am on one hell of a winning streak! The only down side to all of this is that I am completely out of skill ISO after taking Bucky to rank 2. Poor me.

I got kinda shafted with my extra 5000 shards. Pulled cyclops blue team, big oof.
Congrats on your roster! My 4* win streak, which started with Stark Spidey and ended with Domino, just finally came to a full crashing halt today with duping Kingpin and Beast back to back (having also pulled them back to back from Prems last month). But I can't complain. Good luck in your future pulls!