1* Colossus didn't get his rework?

With the announcement about Variant 4 I was thinking I'll take a look at my 1* champions and what I found out is that 1* Colossus has still his pre-rework abilities
I guess this isn't intended, right?

I guess this isn't intended, right?

Not only is Gamora's Buff more Complicated than Colossus' Buff, but Colossus with or without his Sig Ability is not Complicated At All (this is coming from a guy that picked up his Playstyle and Abilities Day 1 of his Buff). Please tell me what part of him y'all found too complicated for new players, not fussing or raging here so don't delete my comment please, I am genuinely curious because I cannot see anything wrong with him as a 1 Star especially when compared to Gamora.
Beside the fact that he may be too powerful in which case that's entirely fair and why didn't you just say that if that is the case?