Head Over Heels buff isn't working right

Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
I was in the master difficulty of love is a battlerealm, and had two fights where head over heals wasn't working right.

Fight#1 Spider Gwen. This spider Gwen kept regening 20 percent of her health whenever I used a heavy attack when the indestructible buff was active. This happened in two different fights, and happened two times per fight, for a total of 4 times.

Fight# 2 X-23
X-23 triggered the indestructible buff at 11 percent instead of 1 percent health.

Please fix this. Especially the spider Gwen issue.


  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    It’s not just those fights the entire node is broken I’ve had multiple fights with problems like these
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, would you happen to have any video of this or be able to tell us who was on your team at the time?
  • LrrrrLrrrr Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Someone help me. I am reading the head over heals node in the special event as a heavy disables the indestructible buff without the defender gaining the regen. About 50% of my fights when i land a heavy on an indestructible the defender regens anyways. I had to kill a few defenders 3 -4 times.
  • Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★

    Hey there, would you happen to have any video of this or be able to tell us who was on your team at the time?

    My team was: 5* r4 darkhawk (sig 80) 4* r5 cap iw (sig 60) 4* r4 sentinel 5* r3 symbiote supreme (unawakened) and 4* r5 omega red (sig 80).

    I was playing cap iw and darkhawk during the spider Gwen fight, and sentinel during the X-23 fight.
  • Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
    Oh, there's more stuff. Now, the indestructible buff triggers if you deal enough damage in a single hit, but the indestructible triggers as the damage is done, so you can't deal damage.

    Seen when fighting venom the duck with my cap iw.
  • ScarfacemtgScarfacemtg Member Posts: 16
    Almost every fight the when the defender goes indestructible it wont happen at 1 percent. It'll be somewhere around 1-10 percent theyll get stunned by the boost ill heavy and they regen and ill have to do that like 2-3 time before they die. Its really bad with the corvus in the very last quest. Ive killed him with a heavy 8 times and he just keeps regenerating health.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    How are you suppose to kill the Claire voyant? With unblockable under 25% and she goes indestructible at 1% every time, then heals up to 20% since you can’t parry to get a heavy attack to stop the indestructible...
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Savio444 said:

    How are you suppose to kill the Claire voyant? With unblockable under 25% and she goes indestructible at 1% every time, then heals up to 20% since you can’t parry to get a heavy attack to stop the indestructible...

    Use the boost from arena or someone like wasp who can chain heavies into a combo.
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  • DIVADOORDIVADOOR Member Posts: 3
    Guys, read the node... if your attack would deal a knockout blow then it triggers. I have completed Epic without the boost and would suggest not using DOT attacks so that when you get to circa 3-5% you can parry for heavy.

    The latter stages you will need to be orr creative... nice little challenge ;)
  • DIVADOORDIVADOOR Member Posts: 3
    Just to expand on the above... if a Corvus L2 would knock the defender out at 15% then 15% is when the indestructible buff kicks in...
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    DIVADOOR said:

    Just to expand on the above... if a Corvus L2 would knock the defender out at 15% then 15% is when the indestructible buff kicks in...

    This is not what where talking about multiple times I’ve done a heavy attack and they still regenerate 20% of max hp it caust me a couple revives because I wasn’t expecting the champ to regenerate when they should have been dead
  • DIVADOORDIVADOOR Member Posts: 3
    @TheInfinty I am at a loss... had no problems myself. Are DOT effects triggering the issue?
  • JMORG1111JMORG1111 Member Posts: 195 ★★
    Look. Not everything needs a video. Take any champ with multiple hits as a heavy and fight anyone and use a special to have a large amount of health left with the indestructible. The first hit clears the indestructible, then the next hit heals the champ as if it was a nullify of the indestructible. One time a release needs to happen without issues. Just once.
  • KevanproGKevanproG Member Posts: 308 ★★
    This happened with my Corvus and Stealth spidey
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Savio444 said:

    How are you suppose to kill the Claire voyant? With unblockable under 25% and she goes indestructible at 1% every time, then heals up to 20% since you can’t parry to get a heavy attack to stop the indestructible...

    Someone who can chain stun is ideal. OG Hulk, Stark Spider Man, etc....

    I used 5* Hyperion
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★

    Almost every fight the when the defender goes indestructible it wont happen at 1 percent. It'll be somewhere around 1-10 percent theyll get stunned by the boost ill heavy and they regen and ill have to do that like 2-3 time before they die. Its really bad with the corvus in the very last quest. Ive killed him with a heavy 8 times and he just keeps regenerating health.

    Any blow that would knock out the defender, an indestructible buff is placed and is disabled when a heavy is used making contact. If that buff expires, the defender gains 20% of their max health instantly. It just sounds like y’all don’t understand it just yet. Plus you have the boosts in the objectives to help aswell.
  • Zakrw_317Zakrw_317 Member Posts: 50
    This has also happened to me multiple times throughout master difficulty. Every time I used nick fury for a fight they either regenerated 20% 1-3 times and even more cause I kept getting ko'd. I was also using the new boost that is specific for the event as well.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Zakrw_317 said:

    This has also happened to me multiple times throughout master difficulty. Every time I used nick fury for a fight they either regenerated 20% 1-3 times and even more cause I kept getting ko'd. I was also using the new boost that is specific for the event as well.

    When ever he has lower health, just blast a heavy. Maybe around 3%.
  • DrasiDrasi Member Posts: 7
    Whenever I get rid of the indestructible the regen triggering minimum twice in every single fight it's really annoying especially to take down champions like Korg..
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    The info provided was passed on to the rest of the team and we'll update as more information becomes available.
  • Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★

    The info provided was passed on to the rest of the team and we'll update as more information becomes available.

    Thank you. This bug is infuriating.
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    i posted a video using morningstar over here... definitely not working as the node describes 🙄

  • Winterhawk4Winterhawk4 Member Posts: 2
    Yes. I have tried to defeat Morningstar on "Heroic", using up all of my players multiple times. I have tried to use the heavy attack at different stages. Nothing has worked. I have also used several different attackers. Most of them being 5* with more higher rank than the Morningstar I am trying to defeat.
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    same here... its happening even when i m not using nullify cchamps... in epic claire voyant fight, she regened 3 times when i was using thing, got koed (100% - 0%) in here last phase (i.e. indestructible, death touch).... in other fights i mostly got regen even i doing heavy in between indestructible timer... Nick fury did same also :'( ...
  • ege999menege999men Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Also doesn't work well with ability accuracy reduction. invulnerability doesn't trigger bit the enemy won't die. This is especially bad of you're relying on the boost since full ability accuracy reduction means the enemy won't be stunned
  • Jimsterion19Jimsterion19 Member Posts: 7
    The damage that is done from the heavy attack needs to be enough to kill the defender or else the indestructible is removed / nullified and that’s why the defender regens
    So what u want to do is either get the defender very low and make sure that heavy attack dmg is enough to kill him or heavy before the defender triggers the buff
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  • HippoSleek_JHippoSleek_J Member Posts: 206 ★★
    I have a recording of Sent doing this when I tried with Hype, but I can't get it to load 🙄
    I have used Hype for every single fight in all these quests.
    When I've got to Sent, in epic, it isn't working the same as all the other times.
    I've used one of the boosts that stunns them for 4 seconds when HoH kicks in.
    When it kicks in and he gets stunned, throwing a heavy removes the indestructable and regens him 20%. Happened 4 times the 1st attempt then once again when I revived (out of stubborness) but then worked as intended the 2nd time the buff came in.
    The buff clearly states:

    I won't be doing any more till this is fixed. It's SO annoying using revives when it isn't our fault.
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