Awakened Nick Furry getting stunned

while doing my Labyrinth of legends exploration i ran into Black Widow with the Labyrinth Node
essentially stating if you attack after she uses a special you get stunned
i thought i could get by it using awakened Nick Furry.
even once Nick Furry enters his real phase , i was still getting stunned, happened twice
not sure if this is a bug or Nick Fury isn't immune to passive stuns
essentially stating if you attack after she uses a special you get stunned
i thought i could get by it using awakened Nick Furry.

even once Nick Furry enters his real phase , i was still getting stunned, happened twice
not sure if this is a bug or Nick Fury isn't immune to passive stuns
When Nick would be knocked out, his Life Model Decoy is destroyed instead and he returns to the fight with a permanent Fury’s Fury Buff and Stun Immunity.
The Signature Ability certainly triggered. This does appear to be a bug.
It shouldn’t be possible to stun him in any way, shape or form - it'd be like causing a Passive Poison on Hulk.
Ie white mags again bypass limber cause not a stun debuff.