CPP Beta Server



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    I want to discuss this new Beta server the CPP’s have access to now. I think this has crossed passed a point where this is something all summoners should have access to.

    Testing new champs and making videos is a good thing, but this new server has allowed them to test out ANY champion at any power level in any circumstance they choose.

    One could argue or gives them an unfair advantage, being able to practice with any champ against any champ with seemingly unlimited resources. Almost like giving a handful of players unlimited duel credits....only way better.

    The videos on a broken Sabrertooth synergy are a perfect example of the kind of testing that can be done on this server. I would love to try and ramp up different champs in different circumstances...why limit this to only the select “chosen ones”?

    Then apply to join the CCP. This whole post screams "give me what they have cause I want it now".

    Who says they have unlimited access and it won't be closed for periods of time?

    Would it be nice to have something similar for regular players? Sure. Maybe that's down the road a bit and this is a testing ground. Being in the CCP has always let them play around with new champs before others. It's nothing new.
    The post screams nothing, just you putting words in someone’s mouth and trolling.

    I don’t want to be a CCP, but I would like the opportunity to play whatever champ I want in whatever circumstance I want “for free” like they do.

    If you don’t want that, then move on to another thread.
    Aren't you doing the same while accusing them of hiding exploits and tricks? That's some really bold accusations there. Not only that, they have only had the server for like 2 weeks or something? You think they've found a ton of stuff we haven't and are just hoarding all that info in that timeframe?

    You just want something they have. @Worknprogress actually brings up a good point with resources. Up until now, they have had to use their own resources to make videos in hopes those videos get views and more subs. Many of CCP aren't huge YouTubers and aren't raking in tons of money. This is a very good trade off for them.

    Sorry you can't handle it and feel that the CCP are all cheaters and exploiters.
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★

    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    This is a marketing strategy. You see, if Kabam gave this Beta to every player, less people will want to make a MCOC YouTube channel. Kabam's strategy is telling players to start a channel and give them free marketing, and they will give you is amazing Beta. It's the CCP. Content Creator Program. It is meant for Content creators to make content. Of course, this leads to an unfair advantage to content creators. there is nothing we can do about that. Kabam can't just give every single player this Beta

    They absolutely can give everyone access to it.

    This is Sabretooth broken synergy could easily have been kept secret for only the “chosen ones” to benefit from.

    You're right, it takes the exact same amount of server resources to run one that a select handful of people will be on compared to if the entire game population was accessing it. Can't believe that slipped my mind
    Nobody said it would be easy or cheap. But to say it can’t be done is ridiculous
    But why do players "deserve" this? Content creators "deserve" this because they're creating content from this program. What do regular players put into MCOC that content creators don't? Not to mention the use of more server resources like WNP said. It's not that it can't be done, but it's just that non-CCP players don't offer anything new to the community that would warrant the addition of additional resources to that group.
    I didn’t say anyone deserves or doesn’t deserve it. All I’m saying is it’s an advantage and an interesting thing that I’m sure MANY people would want to use. If one player has it...we all should
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    They've always been able to practice with new champs. Why should they have to use their own resources to help us out?
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    This is a marketing strategy. You see, if Kabam gave this Beta to every player, less people will want to make a MCOC YouTube channel. Kabam's strategy is telling players to start a channel and give them free marketing, and they will give you is amazing Beta. It's the CCP. Content Creator Program. It is meant for Content creators to make content. Of course, this leads to an unfair advantage to content creators. there is nothing we can do about that. Kabam can't just give every single player this Beta

    They absolutely can give everyone access to it.

    This is Sabretooth broken synergy could easily have been kept secret for only the “chosen ones” to benefit from.

    You're right, it takes the exact same amount of server resources to run one that a select handful of people will be on compared to if the entire game population was accessing it. Can't believe that slipped my mind
    Nobody said it would be easy or cheap. But to say it can’t be done is ridiculous
    But why do players "deserve" this? Content creators "deserve" this because they're creating content from this program. What do regular players put into MCOC that content creators don't? Not to mention the use of more server resources like WNP said. It's not that it can't be done, but it's just that non-CCP players don't offer anything new to the community that would warrant the addition of additional resources to that group.
    I didn’t say anyone deserves or doesn’t deserve it. All I’m saying is it’s an advantage and an interesting thing that I’m sure MANY people would want to use. If one player has it...we all should
    If an unemployed individual gets to claim unemployment from the government, we should all be able to claim unemployment even if we're employed? Doesn't make sense.

    Sure, the CCP players get an advantage, but since they're promoting/producing content related to Kabam, they're kind of supporting Kabam. This means that they earn their advantage, kind of like how P2P players earn their advantage by supporting Kabam through monetary means.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    That's the whole point of learning a new champion. That's also what research is. My god your entitlement is high.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    iF tHe cCp GEts iT tHAn wE sHouLD aLL gEt iT, eVeN tHoUgH wE dOn'T rELeAse cONtEnt!
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    That's the whole point of learning a new champion. That's also what research is. My god your entitlement is high.
    We should all have the same opportunity to learn new champs in the same manner. My god your ignorance is high.
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    Again, if you want it, do the same thing. I couldn't care less what makes it to video or not
    If you don’t care...then move along.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    And you know this how?
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    And you know this how?
    Logic and common sense?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    That's the whole point of learning a new champion. That's also what research is. My god your entitlement is high.
    We should all have the same opportunity to learn new champs in the same manner. My god your ignorance is high.
    THEN JOIN THE CCP!!!!!!!!!!!

    CCP has a beta sever. We don't. Get over it. Again, maybe this is a stepping off point for them to bring us a testing ground. But don't expect that to have new champs. The CCP serve a purpose to help people make choices on a champ they want to try for and bring notice to Kabam and hopefully draw new players in.

    I mean seriously, drop the topic. It's not going to happen any time soon. All you've done is make a fool of yourself here all because you don't get something that others applied and we're approved for. Poor Karen.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    And you know this how?
    Logic and common sense?
    Neither of which you have any of. Also I feel like you want the sever so you can find exploits yourself to use. I bet you're that type of player.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    And you know this how?
    Logic and common sense?
    So you think the reason that all these content creators are in the CCP is to find exploits and not show them on camera? You don't think they have better things to do, like making content?
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★

    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    That's the whole point of learning a new champion. That's also what research is. My god your entitlement is high.
    We should all have the same opportunity to learn new champs in the same manner. My god your ignorance is high.
    THEN JOIN THE CCP!!!!!!!!!!!

    CCP has a beta sever. We don't. Get over it. Again, maybe this is a stepping off point for them to bring us a testing ground. But don't expect that to have new champs. The CCP serve a purpose to help people make choices on a champ they want to try for and bring notice to Kabam and hopefully draw new players in.

    I mean seriously, drop the topic. It's not going to happen any time soon. All you've done is make a fool of yourself here all because you don't get something that others applied and we're approved for. Poor Karen.
    Don’t want to be a CCP. I would however like to rank up champions (for free), sig 200 them (for free) and test them using free energy. If you don’t....then go away bro. Just go.

    You can easily drop the topic by not replying anymore, but you have to force your narrow view on anyone in any thread you happen by....THAT is what true KAREN behaviour is.

    Move along if you don’t want to discuss it. Anyone else who wants to can keep the topic going whether you like it or not.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    That's the whole point of learning a new champion. That's also what research is. My god your entitlement is high.
    We should all have the same opportunity to learn new champs in the same manner. My god your ignorance is high.
    THEN JOIN THE CCP!!!!!!!!!!!

    CCP has a beta sever. We don't. Get over it. Again, maybe this is a stepping off point for them to bring us a testing ground. But don't expect that to have new champs. The CCP serve a purpose to help people make choices on a champ they want to try for and bring notice to Kabam and hopefully draw new players in.

    I mean seriously, drop the topic. It's not going to happen any time soon. All you've done is make a fool of yourself here all because you don't get something that others applied and we're approved for. Poor Karen.
    Don’t want to be a CCP. I would however like to rank up champions (for free), sig 200 them (for free) and test them using free energy. If you don’t....then go away bro. Just go.

    You can easily drop the topic by not replying anymore, but you have to force your narrow view on anyone in any thread you happen by....THAT is what true KAREN behaviour is.

    Move along if you don’t want to discuss it. Anyone else who wants to can keep the topic going whether you like it or not.
    But why should players get this advantage? It's not like they're going to use these servers to do anything that would benefit Kabam. The CCPs have this advantage because they're putting out content. They're putting in work.
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★

    MattMan said:

    MattMan said:

    Djin said:

    alternate solution: get a job at kabam. Dork Lessons(dave) has infinite access to the dev build because he's an employee

    Or that. I legitimately don't understand the backlash the CCP as a whole gets. I've played with in the past and currently play with some of them. Most of them spend a lot of time putting videos, be it champ reviews, content guides, game change overviews, etc..., together. They all want the game to be better and pretty much all give both positive and negative feedback to the dev team.

    Oh no, they have a testing ground where they don't have to use their own game resources or energy to make content that gives us information. The horror. This should have happened ages ago honestly. Thinking it's a bad thing is just being small and bitter. If you think it's so unfair, we'll start working toward what you need to do to qualify. Put in the same amount of work they did and do or get over it.
    No one has problem with Content Creators getting beta server.
    The problem is they get advantage by practicing with any champion and against any champion in the game without wasting their resources. Whereas a normal player will have to waste resources to do so.
    So if it's that big of an advantage, start working on video editing and getting a channel up and running. If you make it helpful enough, you might get accepted yourself.
    90% of what they’ll do on this beta server will never make it into a video.
    And you know this how?
    Logic and common sense?
    Neither of which you have any of. Also I feel like you want the sever so you can find exploits yourself to use. I bet you're that type of player.
    Personal attacks and thread derailing. Nice.

    Again, move along if you have nothing to contribute to the conversation
This discussion has been closed.