Side Quest Bug solution

Instead of banning those who took advantage of the bug, or taking away their rewards( although that's probably the best bet) how about you let us play whatever path you want but the entry cost still remains. Now I know it sounds crazy because there are some epic rewards in this quest, in my mind it makes sense and is fair to all. I Understand that this brings up some problems like each day you get 5,000 6* shards if you choose on legendary difficulty, but I think it is worth considering.
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Anyone that took massive liberties with the glitch deserve to be banned. Those that ran the same path a “few times” no ban.
Everyone lose everything they got from it. That’s fair and worth considering.
There is no need for compensation.
Clearly y’all haven’t read the TOS. Go have a read, then do some research on past bugs very similar to this one and kabam’s response to those. Then you can compile a reasonable expectation when there is a bug in the game.
Players that ran it more than once KNEW they shouldn’t have.
This is not a course of action we are interested in taking. We will take action where necessary, and some of that might be suspension of accounts that egregiously abused the bug. Taking advantage of a bug is exploiting it, and is against the Terms of Service.