The most fun story content ever is done

Today I 100% explored act 7.1

I loved this content and had so much fun with my champs and the node combinations.
Now about my 6 star nexus:

Luck was on my side and I got this monster. I am very happy about this pull.
Selected 25% mystic t5cc.
Then opened the t5cc crystal hoping for a mystic so that I could get tb. But as everyone familiar to me knows my luck which is barely more than Peter parker I got mutant and now I need to get another 25% t5cc crystal from somewhere to form my mystic t5cc.

I loved this content and had so much fun with my champs and the node combinations.
Now about my 6 star nexus:

Luck was on my side and I got this monster. I am very happy about this pull.
Selected 25% mystic t5cc.
Then opened the t5cc crystal hoping for a mystic so that I could get tb. But as everyone familiar to me knows my luck which is barely more than Peter parker I got mutant and now I need to get another 25% t5cc crystal from somewhere to form my mystic t5cc.
7.1.1 black widow do
7.1.4 weapon x because of his weird ai
7.1.5 electro luke took some revives
This is my mutant roster(champion):
I would definitely not take nc to r3
Loved Act 7 too! Wish UI would let me explore earlier story without pressing 9 things as well.
Yeah Kabam should do something about the UI