1* Colossus still has old kit?

KoopaKrusherKoopaKrusher Member Posts: 105
Went into V4 Chap 6 with Colossus and he still had his old kit from before his buff 18 months ago, or however long ago that was. I use his 5* regularly on my main team, so I was a little surprised when I didn't have access to his massive SP2s and instead was stuck with a champ that rivaled DPX for worst in the class. I also had BP on the team, but he had the updated kit from his buff this month. Was Colossus' 1* not buffed intentionally or is there something that needs to be addressed here?


  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, that was an intentional decision that was made so that new players wouldn't get overwhelmed by the new kit why they were still early on in the game.
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