Angela SP3 Aptitude not working

Slanderous12Slanderous12 Member Posts: 23
So I was trying to figure out her best damage rotation and noticed her SP3 Aptitude does nothing, only the Aptitude from critical hits works. If you get only the SP3 Aptitude her Fury buffs stay the same.


  • Kabam ValkyrieKabam Valkyrie Moderator Posts: 698
    Hi there!

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  • Slanderous12Slanderous12 Member Posts: 23
    So you can see my medium crits do 6363 dmg and non-crit light hits 1307 with 2 Fury Buffs. Now when I get the Aptitude from SP3 and get to two Fury Buffs my crits do 6363 and non-crit light hits 1307.
    I am on Android.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,746 ★★★★★
    edited July 2021

    So you can see my medium crits do 6363 dmg and non-crit light hits 1307 with 2 Fury Buffs. Now when I get the Aptitude from SP3 and get to two Fury Buffs my crits do 6363 and non-crit light hits 1307.
    I am on Android.

    Make sure u crit before using sp3 as i just tried and using a crit and got more a bit more with 2 fury buffs but i am on ios

    Edit: just tried this and to know what happens is i think that game is acting like it has one but actually dont and only changes numbers when u crit and believe it could be longer than 5 seconds

    Edit 2: seems also whats happening is that it gives a 30 second amplitude when it shouldnt since no crits to create a second and the amplitude is defo gives a 0% potency i think its to do with the timer and that it shouldnt be there when u get to fury buffs b
  • Slanderous12Slanderous12 Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2021
    @Bendy I know you should crit to get the second Aptitude, the problem is the first aptitude does nothing. Also it gives me 30 sec Aptitude because there is the permament one before launching SP3 since SP3 is instant(has no real time animation), i think.
    Edit: but you are probably right with your Edit 2.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,746 ★★★★★

    @Bendy I know you should crit to get the second Aptitude, the problem is the first aptitude does nothing. Also it gives me 30 sec Aptitude because there is the permament one before launching SP3 since SP3 is instant(has no real time animation), i think.
    Edit: but you are probably right with your Edit 2.

    Yeah its odd for sure ive never noticed since having odin and before having him i only go sp1 since her raw damage is just too high to even think about sp3 even for long fights, but is interesting that if no crits the amplitude does have a 30 second timer if is active when using sp3 makes sense but if it is active after sp3 it should be like sp1 where the fury has less duration since there isnt a fury active via crits, but the 0% potency is what gets me on whats happening only thing i can think of is that it shouldnt be active, its weird people dont notice things like this since most just sp1 rotation that either sp2 or sp3 but nice spot.
  • Quantum_FizzixQuantum_Fizzix Member Posts: 94
    edited July 2021
    I witnessed this last night. I thought I was just imagining this and the fight ended shortly after….

    iPad Pro
    Latest game version

    Side quest, Fighting Crossbones. Launch SP3, run around to Sp1, damage on crits doesn’t change. I can’t say about non-crits, but yellow numbers definitely didn’t change. Only a few more hits after that point ended Crossbones.

    I was trying to record stuff, but the game is hard enough to play right now. I’m getting buggy behavior everywhere, so gave up on trying to record. It’s too frustrating.

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