Let us know who in the forums are Kabam employees

mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
edited July 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
I use this forum for recruiting, getting help, helping others and keeping up to date with MCOC.

I have noticed over and over, that there is a couple of accounts here that 200% works for Kabam (I'm tempted to think that it's even a moderator with a second account sometimes), and it kinda is ruining the discussion's sometimes.

AND I DON'T CARE IF SOMEONE DISAGREE WITH ME, I MIGHT EVEN LEARN SOMETHING...The problem is that the same accounts does nothing besides defending Kabam, and personally this is not useful for me as a MCOC player through 7 years.

It's really a waste of time when you come here to talk with others players about some issues in the game, and there's always the same accounts interfering with post's that we really can't use for anything...You all know who they are, no reason to mention any names...but when I come here for help regarding a bug or an issue, it's a waste of time for me to read these "it's your own fault, I love Kabam" post's...A forum is a place where we should be able to discuss everything regarding MCOC, and trust me....if we didn't love this game, we wouldn't use precious time on writing post's like the one I write now..

So for those Kabam employees accounts...WE ARE ON YOUR SIDE MATES...We all want this game to function and it's just not helping that you keep writing post's that's not relevant..

So Kabam, would it be possible (just like the moderators) to highlight the name of your employees?

Btw I'm danish so sorry for the english spelling.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
    edited July 2022
    Fenico said:

    tl;dr: "I want to freely discuss on the forums but I don't want others to disagree with me"

    Not what I'm saying at all?? I have no problem if someone disagree with me, I might even learn something. Please read my post sir.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,325 ★★★★★
    I think none.

  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    I'm pretty sure @Kabam Miike is a Kabam employee. Hope this helps
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★

    I think none.

    Ohh so I did something wrong writing this post? That's not my intention at all, and I'm serious about what I wrote..
    Thanks for showing this to me mate, I will keep that in mind 👍.
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
    edited July 2022
    Kabam moderators, you are welcome to delete this thread, I was very serious about my post but I didn't know that I couldn't write stuff like that...and fair is fair, so I'm sorry for that.
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