Spider-Man Stealth not applying slow debuff

SharkPowerr99SharkPowerr99 Member Posts: 163
I have done multiple fights with my spider man stealth suit to test this, and his slow debuff just won’t apply. His normal cartridge ( fragility debuff) works just fine. Because of this bug I lost multiple fights because the slow didn’t work, and I couldn’t counter the certain node or champ.


  • SharkPowerr99SharkPowerr99 Member Posts: 163
    After further testing, the slow debuff doesn’t apply on mutant champs, even though his other debuffs do apply. There is also nothing in his discription that says that slow debuffs don’t apply to mutant champs.
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,173 ★★★★

    After further testing, the slow debuff doesn’t apply on mutant champs, even though his other debuffs do apply. There is also nothing in his discription that says that slow debuffs don’t apply to mutant champs.

    All of champs that had slow ability cannot inflict slow on class advantage, example she hulk can't slow skill champs
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, as others have mentioned, Slow does not work when applied to a Champion with Class advantage over there opponent, but if you see this happen anywhere else, please feel free to let us know where and who the opponent was.
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