Potential Rintrah Bug

In the description for Rintrah’s Root mechanic, it lists all of the various interactions it can have:

Notably, there is no mention in there of Rintrah losing his passive unstoppable while still Rooted. However, that is what is happening when the opponent throws a special attack.

Is this an intended interaction not listed in his description, or is this a bug causing his passive unstoppable to disappear prematurely upon the opponent’s special? The only synergy active in this clip is the Guardian block proficiency synergy.

Notably, there is no mention in there of Rintrah losing his passive unstoppable while still Rooted. However, that is what is happening when the opponent throws a special attack.

Is this an intended interaction not listed in his description, or is this a bug causing his passive unstoppable to disappear prematurely upon the opponent’s special? The only synergy active in this clip is the Guardian block proficiency synergy.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
There are 2 roots involved, though I don't know the exact details. One is his personal root, and the other is a general root. One of those is probably expiring above.
It didn’t remove the root but only removed the unstoppable
But you just sending a portion of the text didn’t make it clear that you meant this lol
The issue here is that Rintrah’s unstoppable is being removed at the end of the opponents special attack, while that is not an interaction listed in his abilities. Either his description is wrong or the unstoppable is bugged, the root itself is working as intended
Neither should unstoppable
When Rintrah triggers root, he himself becomes rooted not the opponent
So root should disappear if Rintrah throws the special not his opponent
1. Rintrah activates Root.
2. The unstoppable activates
3. The opponent throws a special attack
4. Neither are removed
1. Rintrah activates root
2. The unstoppable activates
3. Rintrah throws a special attack
4. Root and unstoppable are removed
That is the correct interactions here as per Rintrah’s current description. The issue is this:
1. Rintrah activates root
2. The unstoppable activates
3. The opponent throws a special attack
4. The root stays as it should, but the unstoppable is removed
Therefore either something is missing in Rintrah’s description or Step 4 is bugged in scenarios 1 and 3
Anyway, if I'm wrong I'm wrong. That's just how I read it.
-Rintrah pushes the opponent into the corner.
-Rintrah roots himself through M, L, L, L, L combo while the enemy is in the corner.
-Opponent uses a special attack.
-Unstoppable effect on Rintrah is prematurely removed at the end of the opponent's special effect (so it knocks him down)
-Root effect is still applied from the light combo ender in the corner for the remainder of its duration.
The opponent's special attack removes the unstoppable regardless of how the player reacts to the Opponent's special attack (evading the attack VS blocking the attack VS getting hit by the attack makes no difference. Unstoppable is removed in all scenarios).
It's just the special attack. I've stood in the corner after the light combo ender root and let the opponent hit into Rintrah with full combos and/or heavy attacks and the unstoppable effect doesn't go away.
The unstoppable being removed from the light ending root also happens irrespective of the number of mystical charges.
Maybe it's not differentiating the unstoppable between the 2 different root mechanics in Rintrah's kit? (the other root mechanic being that he roots himself during opponent special attacks when he has 20 mystical charges)
@Kabam Zibiit , I don't know if that helps but that's what I've seen from my gameplay with him.
Another forum user, World Eater, helped me out and uploaded a clip I sent to YouTube. I hope this helps! @Kabam Zibiit
This bug (if that's what it turns out to be) is the only thing stopping me from taking my 6* to R4.
I don't have any new info on possible timelines to share at the moment, but just wanted to let you all know the team's working on getting this sorted as quickly as possible.