Before Ya'll Whale out on the Spring Cleaning/Omega Days events...

A friendly reminder that Kabam,
- Completely botched the launch and corrections to AW Season 49 (Magic Thief tactic, dropped matchmaking, unable to place, etc)
- Forces players to max grind Battlegrounds despite not innovating/updating the game mode with any real effort
- Botched the Shocker bug fix communication-wise
- Continue to give us needlessly bloated Side-events that are more effort than they're worth
- Misunderstood the assignment when designing the Alliance War Showcase
- Flashbanged everyone by rapidly releasing defenders with "fun and interactive" gameplay (further aggravating the Battlegrounds issue)
- Let Fintech cook with the CCP Carina's challenges
- Have yet to fix Galan's incinerates for some reason
- Somehow break the game randomly with every patch
- and still make us play Alliance Quest every week
Just in case y'all forgot about that after their wins with Mastery Loadouts and Act 8.4. Spend wisely, summoners.
- Completely botched the launch and corrections to AW Season 49 (Magic Thief tactic, dropped matchmaking, unable to place, etc)
- Forces players to max grind Battlegrounds despite not innovating/updating the game mode with any real effort
- Botched the Shocker bug fix communication-wise
- Continue to give us needlessly bloated Side-events that are more effort than they're worth
- Misunderstood the assignment when designing the Alliance War Showcase
- Flashbanged everyone by rapidly releasing defenders with "fun and interactive" gameplay (further aggravating the Battlegrounds issue)
- Let Fintech cook with the CCP Carina's challenges
- Have yet to fix Galan's incinerates for some reason
- Somehow break the game randomly with every patch
- and still make us play Alliance Quest every week
Just in case y'all forgot about that after their wins with Mastery Loadouts and Act 8.4. Spend wisely, summoners.
This discussion has been closed.
Way to put an entire team on blast. What do you stand to gain here?
Just mean for the sake of it, or...?
If you're unhappy with a game enough to try to rally people against it, you have to wonder why you're still playing in the first place.
Do you spend?
Cause if you like the game, and maybe don't spend on it, and you are advicing other people not to spend either... Chances are the quality will be lower.
Not sure what is the purpose of trying to become an MCoC financial advisor...
- AW showcase took zero revives if you were playing decently lmao. It was challenging but it’s not bs
- Literally all of the new defenders can be countered with skill and specific champs. Bullseye is the only one that I’d even begin to make the unfair argument for, and he has his counters too
- The game hasn’t been completely broken from a patch in a while
- No one is forcing you to play AQ. I do lower maps and earn decent glory for practically zero effort
-Galan bug is just getting petty, but yes, they should fix it
Only really agree with the AW and Fintech challenge one. Wish they let someone else design it
Shaming people for their choice to spend or not is not allowed in the Community. It is up to each individual player whether or not they want to spend, just like it's up to each player if they want to play Battlegrounds, Alliance Quests, or any other game mode. It's also up to each player to decide whether or not they are actually skilled enough to take on Carina's Challenges, because those are not meant for everybody.