Exact dates on new 5* Champ Batch?

Is there a list of exact dates when each 5 star batch will be added to the crystal. All I can find is the month. Will it be the 30th of each moth following suit with the previous?
Edit: never mind, found it
Psylocke is being added on the 4th of july does that mean her 5* is variant will be added as well or do we do we gotta wait for december lol
Also you guys mention that you will remove 6 previously 5* feature champs to the standard 5* crystal this july which are the previous 6 5* will be added?
Gotta wait till December, when they catch up in champs (since it's 2 new champs a month but 6 added to the 5* crystal), then they'll add new champs to the 5* crystal at the same time as premium crystals.
Netflix DD
Luke Cage
Thor (Jane)
A whole lot of garbage...