
So I just pulled the Wasp from the 5 star cinematic crystal. I'm not sure of how she is, but is she worth rank 3. Does she have to be awakened to be good. And is there any tips to play this character.
If you’re in the middle of a combo it’s completely safe to use a heavy finisher. She puts a passive stun on them when you combo into it from a light attack and also puts a weakness debuff on them. Her heavy shrinks down and when she does shrink down her next 2 hits are guaranteed crits and she increases her attack rating for those 2 hits depending on the number of debuffs the opponent has on them. So her heavy attack hits harder anyway because it’s a heavy, it’s guaranteed to be critical for even more damage AND she has a high base attack to begin with. Excited to see her at higher ranks because I’m already getting 2 and 3k crits at r1.
Her specials shrink down too so guaranteed crits in those also.
Her other abilities include counter attack (disabled when you shrink down for a short period of time).
Stun and concussion (%= to number of hits in your combo, if fighting a mystic +40)
Power sting, really hurts if they use a special it’s like 5 stacks. It petrifies them reducing power gain and regen if it expires.
This will be a killer with a high combo. Increases her attack based on combo like star lord and again if mystic you can add 40 to that.
Quickly becoming one of my favourite champs to use, moveset is great and the shrinking down going into heavy and special attacks just looks really good. I only wish Antman could be more like wasp. Definitely a pull you should be happy with.
Hopefully that will help you to better understand the abilities, strengths and weaknesses of this amazing Champion!
...not to mention the interaction with Ghost & Antman. Effective, reliable and also funny to play team!