Increase the Gold Rewarded from Duplicating a 4 Star Champion

I want to submit a suggestion for the game to the devs... Where is that form we use?
What I want to suggest is when you duplicate a 4 star champion, increase the gold rewarded.
The game awards you a ton of ISO, but to use it, it drains an improportionate amount of gold compared to the ISO you earn when doing daily events or story events.
The earning of gold to ISO ratio is out of proportion compared to the rest of the game.
What I want to suggest is when you duplicate a 4 star champion, increase the gold rewarded.
The game awards you a ton of ISO, but to use it, it drains an improportionate amount of gold compared to the ISO you earn when doing daily events or story events.
The earning of gold to ISO ratio is out of proportion compared to the rest of the game.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
I went ahead and moved this over to Suggestions and Requests for you. This is the correct place to put your suggestions. We appreciate you taking the time to share your idea with us.
New players lots of gold no iso
Then iso and good but no t2/t3 cats
After that no t4cc
And then no t2as
With gold management being needed between every step. ofc people will say just grind arenas for gold which is true. When i do feel like doing even just 1.5mil in basic and 4* featured i generally jump up in gold rather easily. Mind you thats litterally only 2 rotations of my chanpion(probably less now)
But remember, gold has been a consistent issue they been trying to address.
Besides, there are many other gold sinks that can stay like Alliance Questing and alliance treasury. These are big sinks, but they are more elective.
The high amount of ISO with low gold when duping a 4 star champ feels like it breaks the "loop" that the rest of the game seems to run on.
When you dup a 1-3 star champ, the ISO reward it low, so it closely matches the rest to spend it.
Another solution would be to lower the amount of ISO earned when duping a 4 star champ.
Be constructive don’t just complain.
Gold isn't an issue if you are an active arena grinder... However, the time that one has to dedicate to arena each week to acquire gold is outrageous. The problem isn't "not wanting to do arena," the problem is that arena is not a viable game mode for a large portion of the player base. For some that have lots of free time, arena is great. For people with jobs and families, it isn't even an option.
Arena should not be the main source of gold in the game as it is the game mode that has the largest number of players skipping it. You can't have a resource essential to the game, most available in the game mode that is most ignored by players, it makes absolutely no sense.
We really do need an update to the way gold is earned outside of arenas, because it hasn't been changed to match the "shift in the meta" that kabam is always talking about. The cost of upgrading champs has increased with absolutely no increase in the acquisition rate of gold which is a big problem. It's like if the living wage were to go up but nothing is done to change your income.
And not having to buy gold crystals to supliment it.
Hey i have a job and kids and i grind the arena. If tou dont have time to grind real quick what do you do about aq or aw? Are you uncollected? If so that was a grind. Gold is easy yo come buy and sustain. Just dont waste it when you get it. Save it for the time you need to lvl up a champ worthy of it. Gold is a strategy in this game and is given everywhere. Most offers now come with 50k-200k gold attached, the new gold crystal is 40 units and pumps out gold. There are plenty of ways to get it, maintain it, and use it. Ive had 3 mil for months now ive been the top 5 of my alli for sa every week i rank and lvl champs daily. If i can do it anyone can do it. I wish i had the same ability with my money irl.
I don't want to sound rude, but why does everyone try to compare arena grinding to AQ, AW, EQ, and Act 5? Its not even a comparison that works. If I have limited time to play the game I'm going to have to pick and choose what I spend my time on. It's not fair to say "if you have time for this, than you should have time for that." The time to reward ratio in arena is much lower than the time to reward ratio in other game modes. So if I was to put the time I currently spend in this game on arena instead, I would actually end up with far less rewards. I would have to spend more time in arena to actually generate the same amount of rewards as I would in AQ, AW, EQ, and other modes. So in reality the comparison of time does not hold.
Anyone playing this game is naturally going to play the content that has the best time to reward ratio. Then if they have extra time to play than they may spend it on some mode that offers a lower time to reward ratio. For most people that game mode is arena. Arena also happens to be one of the main sources of gold, but you have to dedicate quite a lot of time to it for it to be worthwhile. So that game mode is usually the mode that gets put on the backburner.
I am very conservative with my gold, so I have about 3 mil currently. However, in the past when I've actually had good champs to rank up, it has been quite the issue. The point isn't that there aren't ways to get gold reliably, the point is that those ways require far more time than they should. And second arena is specifically for obtaining new champs, it is ridiculous that it also happens to be the main source of reliable gold in the game. It is the gamemode least played by summoners, but it contains one of the resources most essential to ranking up champs... It's completely nonsensical.