AnakinSciluk ★
I sent you a message on LINE earlier.
We are a mix of US and UK players. AQ we will run 5x5, until we fill up we will run map 5 for 2 BGs and map 3 for the other. AW gold 2, looking to move into gold 1. Donations 130k gold, 30k BC, 12.5k loyalty. Line for communication. You can contact me @AnakinSciluk.
We run map 5x5, AW gold 1. Donations 130k gold, 30k BC, 12.5k loyalty. Facebook messenger for communication. I use Line for recruiting so you can contact me there AnakinSciluk or in game. Same name just out a space in between names.
We run map 5x5, AW gold 1. We focus on finishing AQ and AW we do what we do, we don’t go all out and spend to win. We do use Facebook messenger for communication, but I use LINE for recruiting AnakinSciluk. Let me know if you’re interested.
Would you guys be interested in using Facebook messenger? We use that instead of LINE. I use LINE for recruiting if you want to chat there. We have room for 1, but the officers have been talking about clearing out a BG for various reasons. Contact me on LINE @ Anakin Sciluk This is our alliance:
Bump. Looking for 1 more player, possibly a few more.
AQ map 5x5, about 120 million points a week. AW gold 1. We are more AQ focused, but we run war constantly during the season and are expecting to stay at least in gold 1. We just don’t go all out for war since it seems like pay to win lately. Donations 130k, 30k BC, 12.5k loyalty. We use Facebook messenger for…
We do map 5x5 scoring about 120 million points. We’ve had some changes lately so we could be pushing 130 millio points soon. AW gold 1, tiers 4 to 7. Donations 130k gold, 30k BC, 12.5k loyalty. We use Facebook messenger for communication. I use LINE for recruiting if you want to chat there AnakinSciluk.
Map 5x5 expert tier. AW gold 1. Donations 130k gold, 30k BC, 12.5k loyalty. We use Facebook messenger for communication. I use LINE for recruiting if you want to chat there AnakinSciluk
Would you consider gold 1 for AW? AQ map 5x5. We do use Facebook messenger for communication. I use LINE for recruiting if you want to chat there. AnakinSciluk
We run map 5x5 expert tier. AW gold 1 last 2 seasons. Looking to replace a few people. Donations 130k, 30k BCs, 12.5k loyalty. We do use Facebook messenger for communication. I use LINE for recruiting if you want to chat there.
Update. We are looking to replace 2 that are stepping away from the game.
We use Facebook messenger for communication. I use LINE for recruiting. LINE AnakinSciluk (no space) IGN Anakin Sciluk (space between names)
Yes we do map 5x5 in expert tier. AW gold 1, tiers 4 to 7.
We may have room for 7 to 10. We use FB messenger for communication. Are all of the players about 5k prestige? If all of that works find my on LINE AnakinSciluk or ingame Anakin Sciluk (use a space in between). I just use LINE for recruiting. Inhuman X-Force
Sent PM via LINE
We are an 11.4 million alliance. AQ map 5x5 in expert tier. Finished AW in gold 1 looking to at least stay there next season. We do use Facebook messenger for communication, I use LINE for recruiting. Find me in LINE @AnakinSciluk or in game at the same name but put a space Anakin Sciluk.
I am with [IXF] Inhuman X-Force. We are a 10.8 million alliance. We are looking to replace a few alt accounts and/or a few under performers. We run map 5x5 in expert tier. We have been finishing all 3 BGs 100% for a long while, maybe 6 months? It’s rare if we miss a day. We are more AQ focused but we do run war 3 times a…
Bump. We are still looking for a few
Update: we are a 10.4 million alliance looking for a few people to replace some alt accounts before war starts back up tomorrow.
We run map 5x5 in expert tier. Looking for people with about your prestige so we can earn better rewards in AQ. We use FB messenger for communication. We can make room if your interested. Find me in game Anakin Sciluk and we can talk more. Alliance tag [IXF] Inhuman X-Force.
Bump. Still looking for a few.
What are you guys looking for in an alliance? My alliance is 9.7 million and we run AQ map 5x5 in expert tier. We have been finishing all 3 BGs all week for quite some time. AW tiers we float from 3 to 8. So if you guys can run paths in map 5 and kill a boss or two (not mandatory) I may have a few spots. The only thing is…
Are you still looking? Are you OK with FaceBook for communication? We are a 9.7 million alliance running map 5x5 in the expert tier. Contact me at Anakin Sciluk in game and we can talk more.
Sent you a friend request in game so we can talk if you're still looking.
Added you in game. Anakin Sciluk
Check out my alliance, [IXF] Inhuman X-Force. We run map 5x5 in expert tier. We are more AQ focused but still run war. I'm curious about your time zone and when we start war. I think you may be a good fit with us as long as you can clear lanes in map 5. We use FB messenger for communication but you can contact me via LINE…
We are looking for 1 more person to replace an under performer in AQ. We run map 5x5 in expert tier. We need someone that has a lot of participation. We use FB messenger for communication. As long as you do completion, item use and SA, you're good. I don't know if we would be considered "chill", but we understand people…
Still looking for a few.