BeastDad ★★★★★
You meant for all forms of Necropolis content right?
I'd just save.
The dupe helps, but he is a wrecking force either way.
More working as intended... :D :D :D
People are still sleeping...
Contest of Bugs
I don't see a problem, that is absolutely working as intended...
Redoing Necropolis.
Squatch works, so does Dragon Man.
Couldn’t possibly care less.
She deserved one vote.
Absolutely useless.
Tying more to realm event is just annoying. Want people to open more? Make it so we get what we earned in the solo and alliance event.
It was a pretty good movie...
O' Lantern...
Duped it is a tie between Mr. Pool and Medusa.
Hate to see it.
Silk, hulk, Luke, ham
Vote for us or else…
Imagine not knowing how good Shang is...
Bones, or Bulls
Should be 100%
Or cow
Cows rule
It’s a coin flip.
Worth r3 right away