Brad366 ★
If this thread were a romantic comedy, I guarantee these two would end up together at the end.
I just checked and the tier 7 has returned. I was hoping it was a visual thing.
Just reminded my alliance about this
I’m essentially FTP and decided to spend units at cyber Monday and only leaving 4k for the banquet. I looked at the rewards and will grind about 1200 units before the end so I can reach a level I am satisfied with. All this to say, contribute what you want and enjoy the RNG ride. In 6 months the top end stuff will be mid…
11. I have the resources for a 12th, but decided to wait until I get stuff from banquet before pulling the trigger on unduped venom.
I got northstar and arcade. Those 2 and patriot (who I already have) were my least wanted.
Wait a week and many of the larger accounts will have advanced.
I ended up using about 50 revives. I think KT1 said it took him 30 so I don't feel too bad.
She was primarily good for Odin, but you could probably replace that with the other main options.
Agreed, which is why I said it starts after the 18th.
The last piece is in banquet, which starts after the 18th. So I suspect the dupe opportunity will fall during the last AoA fight before the gauntlet.
I had the same problem last week and went kushala. Either is good though.
I had saved 18k and was a little sad the highest tier reward was at 21k. That being said I spent 16k and got 3 new 7* r3s with some left over for a moderate banquet stash. Not too bad.
I agree 35 remain if you have already done the first 2 hunt targets. For clarity I believe this breaks down to 20 for remaining hunt targets, 10 for accolades and 5 from December traders outpost. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
The crucible was an interesting event. I wouldn’t hate that.
The bigger mystery is the “new Everest content” for the 4th she hulk piece.
I used vox last time and it really sucked. Using storm this time and it has been much easier.
Did you hit the claim button on the site? You accumulate points to fill the meter but then there is a claim button under it that actually gets it. I presume you did, but that is the only thing I can think of other than contacting support.
Gambit would be the kid who skips class to smoke under the bleachers.
Glad to see this is being said. I have always thought the milestones above 1 billion were the stretch goals, which just preemptively did what they did for road to the crypt (while not officially a realm event, it was the start of that approach). If we pass the 1 billion and those weren’t already there, people would be…
He was my first 6* pre buff. He’s got power control going for him and he helped me clear the champion boss in act 6. Not the best, but he will put in some work.
I use her all the time in AQ or fights where I don’t want to crit (eg Mr sinister). So not useful everywhere but good in specific situations.
If you saved bounty missions for the new objective, you could have already done this week’s elite bounty which gives 5. I bet that is where the difference lies.
Silk for destroyer and idoom. Spam for moleman. Someone you like for toad (I was able to use hulkling successfully).
I would prefer something more like the crucible than necropolis content wise, but would also prefer it be permanent content rather than an objective that expires. There is always give and take.
I find a post titled “silenced again” to be ironic since here we are having to hear about it.
I got a bunch of forfeits through diamond tiers. Less now that I am pushing through vibranium tiers.
You have 6.3.1 Medusa boss with do you bleed (where only bleedsdo damage). Nick is one of the best for that fight. I would go him over her.
OP said he doesn’t have the other deathless champs, so thanos is already off the table.
I was being sarcastic. It’s not.