Bron1 ★
So to make sure i understood correctly, if we get all the 900k we can still only get the first milestone in the 7 star deadpool debut, ive gone f2p after the wow fiasco so idk, hasnt always been like this the gap between f2p and p2p seems huge
Yea there is a bug with bg rewards too
I did it a few days ago, gully solos 8.1,8.2 You need morning for 8.3 thats all all the rest are bench warmers and you can do 2k in 2 weeks, your bigger problem is how much revives you have and how many you need for the object and for the woe fight
Fr, same here
So you also should have 15 points now and deathless objective right ? And they did mention it bro, you can check, they forgot to say about it from the get go but then they mentioned it here with slight delay, i think it was during first week of wow, not sure but early on
Same i thought we at least have 2 more weeks, but it was good while it lasted thats for sure
Cool ty so much for your response
Can anyone confirm plz that the shorter refill time is still ongoing for them ?
@"Kabam Miike"
I think you have a bug when a summoners sigil expires, the shorter refill time doesnt work, my sigil expired a few hours ago and I just noticed my timer is 6 mins and not 3 mins, can you confirm plz ?
Vali, but gave up on abs man after the she hulk obj, didnt do the other 2 no sandman and no warlock
Cool, looks like i need the deathless obj? Ty for your response
Btw how many points are left for wow ? If i have 15 points without the deathless can i get the top milestone without doing the deathless objective?
Yes, for path 2 go aegon shuri, aegon all the path except namor and attuma with shuri. Rest of the paths you can aegon only
Mephisto, mangog, annihilus, knull
Awesome ty so much
What team did you use ?
What was your team ?
Dont do that, it will be much easier to fight knull with all the boosts in symbiotic trial. The way to go is do all of them once each week then do the symbiotic one last there is where you need to use them, if you do preview you will see that its pretty annoying to say the least doing the last trial without all the boosts
And also apoc, 2 energy in the left side, first defender Did you find anyone for mangog ?
1 more try
Makes sense but was hoping for more confirmed take
Thank you for your response, yea that would be my guess too but did kabam address this at any point ?
Chavez angela both r3 material
Rush valaint, its worth it, but you should fully explore necro you can get 7* from the original pool on 100% and you need another one you like so try to get shards. Either way you dont need resources for the valaint, cause you get the rank up gems 1-2 ,2-3 for 2 champs from the necro, so all you need to do is necro or you…
Kity, she needs like 60 sigs and domino need max sig and is out as 7 stars
Maybe hype cause he needs only 20 sig, but only if you use him
Usually dont