Btee303 ★
Ok that explains it. Thanks!
Also. The evade is supposed to only work on basic attacks, not special attacks. So if the first hit of the special attack is registered, i dont get why subsequent hits within the same special attacks would be “missed”. For example, idoom’s sp2 has several hits, if his first hit in his sp2 is landed, subsequent hits should…
Contact fruitloops in game or on Line. P3 alliance he’s looking for a bunch to replace retiring members after war season ends
Whats ur game name. Or ur alliance tag
What alliance?
Same here. Been trying for the whole day and still doesnt work. Tried multiple devices, reinstalling, changing passwords. Nothing works. Kabam mustve banned accounts from logging in for investigation or something
Still looking?
My game name is btee303 PM me if u’re still looking
Same for me
I won a lot of matches fair and square but they didnt count toward my objectives
Still looking?
Are u still looking? I have 2 including myself who would like to join after AW season. My game name is btee303
Prestige requirements?
Line id for leader: Magiofinstinct
We run map 5/5/8 plat 3 all Bgs open. Message me in game if still interested
Same as our game names
Still looking?
Still looking?
Still looking?
Plz look at our alliance. We are looking to merge or get a group of guys as well. My username is btee303 Our alliance was a Gold2/3 alliance doing map66655 in AQ with normal mods for map 6 and epic mods for map 5’s. Plz contact me or my leader in game or on Line for interest. Thanks!
2 more spots left
We do 3 BGs in AQ all the time with at least two BGs running 66655. If we have less than full alliance then the third BG runs 55555.
Our alliance run AQ 66655 with master and epic mods. Chill alliance. No pressure on AW as we r not focused on AW so we only run one bg in AW for people who want easy rewards. Find me in game or on Line -> btee303