Looking For New Alliance

Looking For New Alliance

TB 12k prestige looking for map 8 alliance

Line id: tazz_pt


  • ANIMEniacANIMEniac Member Posts: 146
    We run Map 7 and 6 AQ and finished 180 in Plat 4 wars this season if you're interested. Line is: animeniacx
  • Btee303Btee303 Member Posts: 28
    We run map 5/5/8 plat 3 all Bgs open.
    Message me in game if still interested
  • RaiderbobRaiderbob Member Posts: 169
    We’re a Gold1 ally and run AQ 5/5/5 and 3BGs of AW in season, highly organized and a very stable core dating back years now 😁

    Hit me up on LINE if you’re interested
    ID is RaiderBob
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