Chuck_Finley ★★★★★
Great theory if it whatever the next title was meant something. If we all get the same stuff anyway… why spend $$ to progress for a worthless title?
It’s like you guys don’t want valiants to do regular content anymore.
So skill now equals units. Got it. I will be first to say “Unit issue” when the complaints start rolling in.
I just threw two out. Crucible and upgrading EQ. They know how to do it because they have done it. As I have said elsewhere- seatin called this out last year after necropolis went into play, the deathless chase started, etc. So this isn’t some novel theory I just came up with… I guess Seatin never thinks about game…
Its been like a month or two since its been to go back into necro with carina challenges and deathless pieces. Not a year…. And this is always the same tired strawman. No one here -me included- is saying the rewards in the latest Everest content should be equivalent to crucible or a valiant level EQ. The game gets in these…
Kabam is dead set on only caring about Everest content. Necro Carina this, Necro carina that… oh look - now face all new EOP gauntlet boss and a ton more revives. Don’t like Everest content? Too bad! Here’s some more…
Power back boosts are now capped at 50% is the basic mechanic. No more massive power back if your specials hit hard. Apparently Kabam disliked that the act 9 boss could be cheesed with power back boosts
Does Kabam have a quota on how many unpopular decisions they have to make before the 1st quarter is up? If so, are we getting close to that number?
“Everyone” - yeah… sure. Everyone playing the game loves this content and will just go blast through it. Not this summoner. I have done two Necro passes since the inception - aegon initial and deathless Thanos. I might entertain Everest stuff next year. Maybe
My expectations on these things getting “meaningfully” buffed have been tamped down quite a bit based on the banquet response post. There definitely seems to be a desire to keep a tight chain on overall progression and roster expansion among all summoners due to the goal of game longevity and how they plan to accomplish…
I have the deathless champs and thanos at sig 200.. and I just assumed these would be sig stones for any saga champ tagged this go round. That’s how it has been every saga and I have champs tagged deathless saga who could use these. I agree, this limitation doesn’t seem correct
Glad to see the team adjust to feedback - looking forward to what is announced.
I get the alternative- but from the message yesterday - these alternatives aren’t even finalized…. So don’t expect them anytime soon. There’s a reason the livestream message didn’t mention them but emphasized end game content.
Pretty sure the “what’s to look forward to?” is the end game content. About the same time last year we got a video from Seatin talking about the pitfall occurring where the only new stuff was for the sweaty try-hards. We need the sweaty try hards - but there are a bunch of people in the game that have a limited appetite…
Not happening. Per Kabam- Similar event rewards will be spread out over other events coming up but nothing announced on dates and timing.
Communication has to get better. There were lunar event detail asks for a week. There is zero reason to delay letting the community know these plans until today. Maybe the new stuff will be better… I hope so. But the community left hanging here wondering what’s going on when Kabam knew nothing was coming for the event just…
Might as well rename this poll - “Most likely for the rebalancing team to ruin your new awakened R3”
Don’t play high level war - but I wish you could bring in all war boosts. I get they try to give that experience with some nodes but with it being randomly chosen by fight… just feels lame.
If you are facing a big roster - it’s not worth it. If the roster is limited and one of their few high ranked nukes or defenders are on my roster, then yeah. Strategically it makes sense if you have a deeper roster.
They work unless specifically stated “If alive….” Or something like that which is kind of rare. Nick Fury has different synergies alive or knocked out.
I think two things are true: 1) A bunch of people bought sigil to burn T3A and sigil points and won’t be re-subscribing 2) Kabam’s subscriber numbers after the first month will still be more than acceptable to them. As Crashed made clear - the vocal here and on discord aren’t representative to what they see in events or…
Some items are definitely worse. Some are better (sig stones exchange) - I don’t think that qualifies as an upgrade. That said, I spend $10 for quick, mindless arena grinding to save time in real life.
I opened however many of those magnatron crystals during the event - some absurd amount…. And didn’t get a 7 star let alone captain marvel. Why would I spend units for the same result?
I had to restart the app after purchase (and I had to restart the app because the initial purchase failed). This was through Apple
I guess maybe one day someone will post a serpent/serpent opening from the basic….but boy when this happens it sure seems to trend away from that tier of champ
First purchase attempt through Apple failed. Restarted… purchase went through - everything still locked. Restarted… everything looks normal now and unlocked
I think I will just roll with the Apple subscription for now. Let others be the xsolla guinea pigs for a few months. Out a few units but less of a hassle.
So….. why did we have to shut it down for 2 weeks to have the same rollout as if it was planned for 15 minutes?
Correct, it is already limited by the currency… why make it double limited?