Crys23 ★★★★
U need a OS counter. Knull, Vox, Serpent. Go 10year challenge. Your wong is duped so Apoc path in sec2 should be easy. Wong, Knull/Vox, Photon + wiccan synergy for wong and GM last 1% reverse controls. Chee/blackcat for caiw and you're set.
This event is not about what you get from the SBC openings. This is about getting the guaranteed rewards in the solo, alliance and realm events. Buying SBC's is the only way to get that. You can not even open them. 9 7* crystals, one nexus, 3 gifted guardians, 7* AG, 2 r3s, sig stones, tons of catalysts, isophene dupe.…
I'd be happy with a base pool selector
It has been this way for a long time. Banquet has been geared towards solo rewards. And even those only for the top. Below 1% they're trash. The only thing that makes it better this year is the Realm event. Otherwise would be rng fest.
Use Stryfe instead. The mutant Aegon, with a faster ramp. And his mediums cannot be evaded, making the trap node irrelevant
The seeding is based on the last victory track rank you completed, not your GC rank. Since you made it into GC, the last VT rank you achieved is Vibranium 1.
Another thing: this update seems to eat more batery life than last month. I actually did some batery tests last month, with the 60fps on and off, for both menu and fights. Once I have some time I'll test it this month too and compare the data.
Nice. Now mess up when it's Isophyne time to drop too ;)
And another thread about this... unbelievable. If stupidity hurt, so so many people would be in constant pain.
The moving background is making me dizzy. Please add an option to turn this off
Anyone who is involved in high tier wars knows NOT to freaking update the game before doing their Monday war fights. There is no urgent reason to update right away. This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last time an update has a bug that affects war. This is 100% on you and the people affected by this.
I never bought 5* or 6* shards or sigs, 3* or 4* relics, t4cc.Only thing I was buying of the "lower class" items was t5b and t2a. The t5b is still there, but t2a has been removed and I don't understand that. Aren't t5b and t2a same type level resource? (like t6b with t3a)
What? Give up? You mean not 100% the map? Or just clear without caring about deaths? The 5000 win bonus is still worth over 55 attack bonuses (90 points per AB). This change does nothing (or very very little) to address Kabam's stated goal of not having 1 death decide an alliance season placement, which happens in Masters,…
It depends if it's our choice (catalyst, generic gem) or RNG dependent (class gem). I'd take Silk up, but she'd be insta banned in BGs and I don't want that. So, it would have to be a champ I'd be ok beeing banned all the time. I guess Onslaught. Or Attuma.
Cyber deals will probably be 36k units. That will probably be 7* AG, a couple of 2-3 gems, 7* crystals/shards, Titan, maybe even a nexus, 7* base pool selector, 7* sigs. Lots of good stuff. Banquet doesnt have unit offers. Only banquet crystals. For 36k units you get 120 crystals. That will be a ton of t6b/t3a, t6cc, t5cc,…
After so many years, I don't understand how people still over value Banquet (former gifting) over Cyber deals. Look at past couple of banquet events. They have been absolute trash. For both what you can get for units and for $. "Saving for banquet" is the dumbest thing someone can say. If you need to "save" for it, then…
Check to see if u have Hulk or Gamora. Or if you had them already, if they are awakened now or have extra sigs. You might've bought it by accident. If you didn't buy it, is there a family member with access to your account? Kid/wife/brother/sister? If you did buy it and now you regret it, then dont rank the champ and…
Yeah, I hate it too. Takes up so much of the screen. And even if one says Act8 and one says act9, they are identical. Both have access to book 1 and book 2. And if you're in a book1 quest, both will have the "Continue" button. It's the same tab. One needs to be removed.
Fighting will take a while to get used to. To be honest, I was fine with 30fps. I think I'll keep it at that for fights. But for menu, 60fps is a dream. I love that you can set it separately for menu and fights. Iphone 15
Maybe the posts were silent nerfed.
It's not a bug lol. It has been this way every time we had a Saga related meta. There will be a node in there (in this case the one that places random debuffs on defender on parry), that will turn any attacker into a saga attacker. It's VT, it's supposed to be easy, and not complicated.
If you're asking for rest of milestones, you might as well ask for more milestones to be added. And then ask to get those for free too. I mean, why do milestones stop at 1.5bn, why not 2bn? 3? 10? How much free stuff is enough to make you happy?
I doubt they can do an Arena based realm event because of the arena bots. They would have to remove them all and keep them out. If they can do that, then yeah, I'd love an arena realm event. I might even try for Bastion title.
You want the titan crystal. Everyone wants it. Plus all the other juicy rewards along the way. But if it's a chore to grind the 5k points (not winning a lot), then your account and/or skill level isn't deserving of that reward. 1st place on the leaderboard gets just half a titan. But a full one is awarded for just playing.…
Back when my roster wasn't strong enough to get past 15, I would either refresh my top3 champs with units, or wait for the timer to expire naturally. My suggestion is to avoid the 6* arenas for now. You could try to get first couple milestones, but don't push. Instead, focus on the 4* arena and catalyst arenas (5* max)
I see nobody is talking about getting parried when hitting block. So something about the AI did get fixed (I for one never had that problem). So, one thing fixed, bunch of new issues pop-up. And I am having all of these now: passive ai, dashing back or just walking up, side stepped into a combo, light intercepted, special…
That method of display of points contributed is not specific to realm events. It has been that way since the new UI for events was introduced like 3 months ago. Where were you "digging around" for that info? In the calendar? Unit store? You just click on the event and there's a button that says "Participation".
Same rewards on an island, regardless of chest star level. So when a bounty pops up it will send you to a specific island. So the reward is predetermined. You only pick the opponent you'll fight, which determines the profile pic you'll get
Did Brian open more eggs?
In 28 days, that's less than 2 matches a day. Thats nothing. Thats your daily toilet time lol