Who’s going to be your first R4 7*?

I don’t have any r3s right now, I only have a r2 serpent and that’s about it. I’m taking domino to r2 soon. I’m ways away from a r3, much less r4, but I want to know the community choices as who they will rank up as their first rank 4 7*
My first r4 will be Angela. The only way that will change is if Hercules becomes a 7* champ and I dupe him (which won't happen ever, so it's Angela).
I'd take Silk up, but she'd be insta banned in BGs and I don't want that. So, it would have to be a champ I'd be ok beeing banned all the time. I guess Onslaught. Or Attuma.
Also Angela will go CRAZY, that’s wild
If it's class gem, then in this order
Science - Void( if I can dupe him), Silk
Mystic- Kushala, Sorcerer
Mutant- Dust
Skill- Moondragon unless they release stealthy
Cosmic- idk
Both controls fight so easily and AI manipulation plus great BG dual threat.
Redskull fortunately will completely counter future 7r4 sig200 dominos 😎
This man have managed to complete change my perpective 180D, with the post.
I started the post with "what??? DKG, that crazy talking", and by the end of the post with "Dawn it that make perfect sense".
Well played good sir, gg 🤣.
Also love the fact that this thread isn't full of Serpent, Onslaught and Bulleyes.
Or I stay with my one true love the one and only Venom. If I finally dupe him tho, my first r3...