
  • Curiously, if there’s one thing I agree with the poster I’m replying to, it is that when you see a behavior you find objectionable, confronting it is often a better strategy than ignoring it. On long time scales a lot of the behaviors that I found to be objectionable in the past are either far less common or almost…
  • If you don't consider the credibility of the people making statements other than posting memes, why are you even here reading them? Absent credibility, this is just a bunch of squiggles composed of pixels. Oh wait, you mentioned X. I don't participate on X, because random people saying random things without any concern…
  • I was going to say "never ever ever ever ever ever ..." but decided against it. There are many reasons why this would be a bad idea, but the one that I think is particularly pernicious is that it would open the door to unscrupulous players "renting" practice accounts players could use to practice against content they had…
  • No, it isn't, except by people who have no idea what they are talking about but want to sound like they do. Which is the real applicability here. I'm sure less than nobody cares about the semantic origin of that term. But they might care about how someone with a clear misunderstanding of an entire area of study will…
  • Yeah, so a couple things. 1. There's still almost two weeks to go in the current Battlegrounds season. You would still expect to see a lot of very strong players still in Vibranium at this stage, because it is barely halfway through. Not "almost over" as you describe it. 2. Both the AI and the meta nodes affect everyone…
  • Oh, that's coming. This was just math. That needs a bit more time.
  • Those were special offers, and I wouldn't expect every new champ to come out in that form. If you're asking why the pity system isn't better than those offers, it is because I don't think it is intended to be. It is an experimental improvement to the featured crystal system. A lot of players still spend a lot of money on…
  • Never going to happen.
  • Indeed. It seems some adjustments will need to be made for 2026. Darkeity Dark got me all the way to the finals, but apparently Moon > Eclipse. This warrants additional study.
  • Are you saying that as a professional chef, you've never been in a kitchen that has been slammed and is backlogged? No normal restaurant kitchen is capable of handling a ten-fold increase in order volume no matter how efficiently it is run. People are simply going to be waiting for their food for a long time.
  • There are many elements to creating new content like an event. Much of it must happen well in advance due to scheduling, the amount of time it takes to create the content, etc. However, Crashed was referring to how rewards would be distributed from LNY to other events, which might simply mean the events themselves have…
  • No, the term "enshittification" has nothing to do with that whatsoever. The term was coined by Cory Doctorow to encapsulate a set of observations not unique to him, but were advocated by him as the net result of allowing large platforms to dominate both side of an otherwise competitive market. Ordinarily you'd expect in a…
  • That would slow down arena grinders, because it would add time to every arena round. Most arena grinders don't do a match then request help then do another match. They do all their matches first, and then request help afterwards, so that they can get as much points as possible as quickly as possible. Help requests take a…
  • The problem with always complaining is there's no signal.
  • Cory Doctorow recommended two strategies to counter what he called enshittification when he coined the phrase. One: don’t use algorithms to decide what content people get in your platform. Two: don’t lock users into your platform; allow them to walk away. Neither of these are really applicable to MCOC as MCOC is not a…
  • You seem to have missed his point, which is that he hopes in your case it does in fact mean something else.
    in uh oh ok Kommentar von DNA3000 30. Januar
  • That’ll show ‘em.
  • How fortunate for all of us that you’re providing the pushback that will eliminate that critical threat to quality.
  • It is possible but difficult. However, it is more likely that he just didn’t start at zero on January 1.
  • Actually, they have been listening to the issues brought up on the forums and elsewhere regarding the changes to the Sigil (at least, the more thoughtful and rational ones), and have been discussing ways to incorporate that feedback into the Sigil moving forward. I have no specific information on what they are considering…
  • That's a bit harsh. There are a lot of people in my life whose relationship with me is not transactional and one-sided, but who I would not ordinarily confide all my life secrets to. Like, say, everyone here on the forums. None of my relationships with anyone on the forums is transactional or one-sided, but there's stuff I…
  • It is not so much that I support it, as I don't really care enough to want it to be a priority for the devs to fix, because it is a much more complex problem that most people give it credit for. As the actual impact on BG competition is borderline insignificant, I would prioritize color correcting the loading screens above…
  • The occasional R4 mixed into a team of R3s verses your R3s? Just pay attention and fight normally rather than watching the Office while grinding. The more serious threat is when an R4 changes the infinite streak cap in your match bucket, and suddenly that team you thought was safe draws a deathmatch. That's when the R4…
  • When an account is suspended, there's usually a reason provided in the screen that tells you that your account is suspended. Generally, this is for terms of service violations. The most common reasons include: Account sharing Playing on modded game clients or otherwise cheating Playing in emulated environments Abusive…
  • I have no idea, but it is possible. Brian has always had aspirations beyond MCOC, or at least beyond being an MCOC player. He thinks a lot about how games work (and don't work) and the philosophy of how games should work, and it would not surprise me at all to find out he found somewhere to try to put those thoughts to…
  • Yeah, after the 95% of players who don't spend leave the game because the annual supply of in-game units drops from 74000 units to 73000 units, I'm sure Kabam will learn their lesson. Oh wait, they are going to put those units into other events. Well, I'm sure some players will still quit anyway, because I wouldn't say…
  • As far as I am aware, the algorithm for how the arena chooses match ups has never been officially released, but based on testing and conversations with the devs during things like the arena refactor and the "oopsie we accidentally gave everyone deathmatches forever" moment when the devs tried to make the arena easier I can…
  • Rich better covers things like pacing: how to best get X units in Y time. I'm trying to list where they are, both grindable sources and one time sources. I organized them into the sorta easy and the sorta less easy and the only-once ones for ease of reference, but he covers more of the if you do this and this and that,…
  • I was focused on solo unit sources, but I should have included the peak milestones for that event as well as it is a predictable source of units. I will make a note to include it in any future revisions.
  • He also said I generally know what I’m talking about most of the time, which is not all that impressive when I stop to think about it, but I say so many things that it still means he has to agree with a large number of them. I believe the majority of them about the arena fall into that category, having worked with Kabam on…
    in Arena update Kommentar von DNA3000 29. Januar