InfiniteAbe17 ★
That's What I figured, I just wanted to check since the only place it's explicitly stated is in the bundle title and that can be misleading as we have seen. Tis unfortunate but not a big deal, Valiant Players definitely deserve it a lot more than me
i mistakenly put that I wanted to get to valiant, I meant Thronebreaker, no chance I could get to valiant that fast lol.
Like the other dude said I don’t have a easily availible 2nd device, and my alt account is significantly lower level so I kind of need a decent 2nd partner. I understand what you’re saying tho. I’ve already had a few people friend me so I’m set now thanks!
i'm at like 800k points and used all my high champs, i have one r5 5* and 2 6* champs so ill be struggling to finish this arena
first 3 3* were (not sure what order) carnage, thor jane foster, and punisher 2099. First 4* was either og spider man, blade, or black bolt i don't remember which it was.
SS, IMIW (for defense mainly), Thing, Cull, and Colossus are all r2 worthy in my opinion.
cull is great for arena because you can instantly activate route and makes fights go by like that!
Yeah i'm just waiting for them to even comment on it, all i get is if i don't post about it on the specific ios or android thread they close the discussion and tell us to go there and then no other response from what i've seen.
oh i didn't think about that, yeah i wish i had him as a 5* even more now, maybe in sector 6 with my maxed 4*
i guess that's true but i don't see him much in incursions so not as much of a risk for me.
Iphone 6s IOS 13.6.1 Latest game update i use both wifi and service but mostly wifi Game crashes a lot during arena and and lately gives me an error message so i haven't really been able to get on in like 36 hrs to do arena or anything, besides a little 1-2hr window where it worked and promptly stopped working and gave me…
Cap IW, Hyperion, Morningstar, quake, emma frost, Black widow deadly origin, and aegon (up to you since hes not duped) Might be worth ranking up heimdall just for his synergy use and him not being completely useless on your team. 6.1.1, 6.1.3,and 6.1.4 are by far the easiest. 6.1.2 is somewhat diffcult. You have warlock,…
but then her cause they synergize really well
Nick nick nick nick nick nick nick nick nick nick!!!!!!!
yeah im having the same thing and it kicks me out each time. I even deleted the app and reinstalled it
My game has been crashing somewhat consistently over the past week or so after the update usually while i am grinding arena and i loose the fight because of it. Today it started crashing and when i tried to go back in the app would give me this error. I was fighting the 6.1.5 crossbones today and it started resetting me…
i'm at like 4400 and i'm trying to get to 5000 (it took me a little more than a month to save all that up from 0) to buy the first two deals I'm on 6.1.6 so ill get cav when I've saved up a few revives and be able to get better deals.
i agree with most people here being able to get those collector crystals, and maybe a profile pic of some sort without all of the revives in another "punishing" arena would be nice because it's not too rewarding but it seems like everyone liked the arena including myself
I got it back in like 2016-2017 and played for a few months got bored, then remembered it in early-mid 2019 and started playing it again. I quit in like early june before quarantine to focus on school and started playing at the beginning of september again. I just got my first rank 5 5 star which is a duped nick fury.
heck ya
Interesting, i like how you put this, i was too lazy to think of actual numbers and buffs but i like the way you put it.
yeah only being for spider verse characters kinda makes sense, but i would be willing to bet that carnage has bonded with other characters in the comics that are in the game, like say iron man or someone. I get where you are coming from though.
yeah even though it is completely uneeded and wont be added if it was added in some way ti would be a sort of resistance so the duration of all coldsnaps are reduced not actually just immune. But i agree we don't need it at all
hyperion, spider man stealth, (medusa if duped), black widow deadly origin, mephisto, heimdall, nightcrawler, modok, hulkbuster, nick fury (especially if duped), black panther civil war, spider gwen, thing, and darkhawk are all good defenders you have at varying star levels and ranks. The nodes depend on the map but just…
24 t6 doesn't scale up right with that because its way larger than t5 it would have to be like 12 t6 which is still way more than 24 t5
cap iw can still get some crazy sp2 damage and doesn't need his sig ability to be great.
you already have a 4* nick fury maxed so rank up mags first then nick.
Aegon, Cap IW, Namor