What is the Progression Level Required in order to be able to purchase the Valiant Banquet Bundle?

I know that the title seems intuitive, but for a lot of the banquet event rewards for thronebreaker, paragon, and valiant have been lumped together (which is obviously a bit problematic but not my point). Earlier this week I was a cav who had only completed the 6.2.6 Champion boss and decided I wanted to get to valiant before the Glorious Banquet event ended, and i just succeeded in beating the 6.4.6 Grandmaster Last Night with only a few revives. I Figured that would give me the option to buy the 50$ Valiant Banquet Bundle with 10 Supreme Banquet Crystals and a Key, but i am not seeing it in the web store for me. Has the offer gone away in general, or would i have needed to actually become valiant to be able to buy that offer? I'm not too worried either way because thronebreaker is a lot lesser of a level than valiant but i figured I'd ask around.


  • InfiniteAbe17InfiniteAbe17 Member Posts: 168
    i mistakenly put that I wanted to get to valiant, I meant Thronebreaker, no chance I could get to valiant that fast lol.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,443 ★★★★★
    It might sound a bit odd given how the rest of the event has been, but the Valiant Banquet Bundle requires being Valiant.
  • InfiniteAbe17InfiniteAbe17 Member Posts: 168

    It might sound a bit odd given how the rest of the event has been, but the Valiant Banquet Bundle requires being Valiant.

    That's What I figured, I just wanted to check since the only place it's explicitly stated is in the bundle title and that can be misleading as we have seen. Tis unfortunate but not a big deal, Valiant Players definitely deserve it a lot more than me
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