Mitchell35 ★★★★
Oh man! Reading is my strong suit, can you tell?
I don’t really like the way monthly champion gates are being handled, honestly. It’s either fgmc or do objectives to get an ‘everyone in the pool’ crystal. I'd prefer a gpgttm style Quickmatch crystal for a 2* version—it’s not going to help me, but it’ll get me through the gate so I don’t have to chase objectives.
And was in theaters for almost 8 months......
Dude if you know how to play psylocke, she can power lock even debuff immunes. Like a higher skill cap version of magik.
Actually namora is the namor/gamora ship name
Depends on time zone, season, and weather.
Honestly it would be easier to say and abbreviate. Also I want cap marvel movie changed to Brie Larson.
I think this actually happened recently in the comics. Forgot who won however.
Yeah it’s become incredibly hard to land parries, and the ai is so passive now that you might not land one all fight.
Num num
Yeah idk my vocabulary is weird like that lol
I really think we could go on for a long time with this, so let’s just stop here and agree to disagree. (Read: truce?) :tongue:
But maybe they should be comparable. AQ just works better than war, so it would make sense to imitate it. AW still has the placement strategy, the new global node choices, etc. The only thing mirrored with a shorter season is the flexibility and timeframe.
I modeled the changes after AQ, which only needs 5 days to establish who should get which rewards. I’d say that works pretty well. Of course the rewards would be less, but proportionately so, so that no rewards would be lost in the long run. It would still be competitive, but healthy, a la AQ
Just for that 6/2 VTD
I was not prepared for these comments lol
That’s precisely why you would chop it down. The competition at present is stifling, and it leaves people burnt out. Cut it down and it’s no longer a big deal if your “season” got derailed. The rewards are proportional so it’s doesn’t matter in the long run if you’re fine with current rewards—they just get paid in…
@"Kabam Miike" you were interested in the differences between aq and aw. AQ is better—time and resource wise, as well as reward wise—than AW. Look at it this way: AQ has almost no current issues except the cost of map 7, pretty much. It’s much more flexible, so if your alliance wants to take a break for a week, they can…
Me and the boys getting buff 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
In the past, it’s either been gpgttm where a quick 1v1 gives you a chance and you could get 20 of them in 10 minutes, or the avengers event, where completing the stone quest gave you a 3* version of the champ.
Number of times you slept through the end of aw
As a Guardian, this thread is fun lol.
Stay gold.
I say both classes in one month. Then a class-restricting variant that only allows spider verse lol.
I’m just here to say ads are a bad idea.
I don’t even want to know what intensive purposes are...
I think something like rol ws (no sp3, damage cap, etc) but with a higher health pool would be nice
A few things. Don’t compare any event to gpgttm. I agree that the inability to reasonably obtain a champ you don’t have is a little poorly thought out. I just think the spider crystals have too many people in them. They could’ve avoided this by awarding a 3* of both gate types from completion, a la the avengers event. The…