What on earth is going on with the AI?
Since this last update, the AI has been a massive pain. I can barely get through fights with Ghost because the opponents refuse to attack me while phased (and yes, I'm doing a MLLL combo), I've died to two Quakes today because all they want to do is throw heavies; not even while I'm blocking, when I'm wide open trying to bait a Special Attack. They almost never dash at me when I'm trying to do a backdraft intercept. On top of it, I just died in war because the Carnage I was fighting decided he wasn't going to throw his specials at all, and just kept walking towards me until finally I missed a dex and he got to the SP3, game over. Sure, I'm not that good, but I know how to bait specials! This is getting to be a serious issue (especially when trying to get to the infinite streak in arena). What is even going on? Can you PLEASE stop changing the AI? When it's this passive, some fights are all but impossible to win unless you've got power control.
Or maybe this is just me. Is this happening to anyone else? Because it's getting to be really frustrating.
Or maybe this is just me. Is this happening to anyone else? Because it's getting to be really frustrating.
Forum mods have said MCOC AI is not changed without players being notified. Whoever has told the mods to say this is either misinformed or has told mods to make statements that are inaccurate. ROL, Act 4-Act 6, and other areas of content all have AI differences. Current endgame AI (high tier AW, Map 6-7, Act 6) utilizes a passive-aggressive style of fighting. They no longer consistently start fights with an attack like previous endgame AI, they walk forwards towards your champions to sneak in close range light attacks and prevent intercepts, they backup without holding block or repeatedly tap block to bait dash attacks which they intercept (Map 7 Thanos often looks like he's having a seizure), and they no longer reliably take bait when players do 2-4 hit combos then backup up to bait dash attacks to intercept.
These AI differences are annoying, but they also give opportunities to further refine your skills. Mixing up your inputs is a good way to continue having success attack strategies that champions such as Ghost, Magik, Doctor Voodoo, and Proxima Midnight thrive on. If you're trying to bait dash attacks using 4-hit combos then backing up every time, the AI is quick to adjust. Throw in a 3-hit combo then back up followed by a 4-hit combo then back up followed by a 3-hit combo then back up followed by hitting into the AI's block a few times then back up, and the AI is less likely to pick up on your attack patterns.
There's no doubt in my mind that something has changed. It's hard to say whether this change was for the better or for the worst. If it ultimately increases your ability to counter situations with greater accuracy over time, then I say it's for the better. Just comes with a learning curve to say the least. Perhaps a combination of the new champs, and known playstyles out there, these changes are their way of keeping it interesting. If it becomes TOO predictable, that will inevitably get stale over time.
It seems to throw off the defender.
And by eratic i mean dont make patterns
I fought a MODOK the other day and he never dashed at me, meaning I couldn't get in a parry. However, while playing Masacre, he gets super aggressive and won't let me got into his block.
Combine this with Infinity Man throwing full five combos into block, backing off, and doing it again, and AW is becoming a nightmare.
@DTMelodicMetal You just hit proverbial nail on the head there! The mindset that an attack bonus loss is unacceptable is what inevitably brings extreme stress on the players that are trying to maintain staying competitive. Especially with the new Map. This will undoubtedly increase with Defense Tactics. Once again, the learning curve rears its ugly head, lol. Truthfully, if players were to be more accepting of that fact, they'd be a bit less stressed out while playing a game that's supposed to be fun.
Adding new challenges on top of the seemingly ever evolving Ai is going to drive many up the wall. Honestly, that's why I go out of my way to be motivational when things go sideways instead of coming down on someone for having a bad run. Losses are occasionally unavoidable for some. Be it the fact you don't have the right champ for the job, glitches, bugs, control malfunctions, slip ups, etc. Sometimes, things just go sideways. The game is ever changing, and apparently the Ai isn't immune to changes. Players need be mindful of this fact if they wish to keep their sanity 😉.
Part of me really likes the unpredictability factor here. Keeps me thinking of ways to counter what's being thrown at me. Now, I'd be lying if I said it didn't cause me frustration from time to time. It for sure does. It's what you do from there that will dictate how long you remain frustrated. If you can immediately accept that something is off and you need to adjust, you'll move forward faster than if you try to resist the changes. Think about it this way, every EQ there's almost always a post (typically a few) about how one of the new champs is too OP and needs to be nerfed. Eventually, over time, you learn how they function and they become just another fight.
In some cases, the Ai is bugged and those situations cause some of the greatest moments of stress in game. You end up losing a fight through no fault of your own. When this happens in AW, it's probably the worst of all. No do overs. No exiting and starting over. Once that match is lost, that's that. Couple this with the cost of certain items, it's a recipe for some colorful phrases flying out of one's mouth, lol. In that case, it's hard to remain objective about the situation. Points and items lost are situations that cannot be undone. The best we can do, especially leadership, is remain understanding and empathetic to our fellow players. Providing them with drive to overcome a situation that's for all intents and purposes a recipe for stress.
AI changes are fine with me, so long as I’ve been notified, whether via a post on here or a tab that pops up before the fight showing what type of difficulty the fight is and clearly defined.
Fact is, it’s changed and it’s highly annoying and personally I’m losing the desire to play AQ and AW