Moosetiptronic ★★★★
Kindred by miles. Makes my skin crawl
Ok, bug here. Parry is not switching or even turning on the passive on a lot of parries. I have one in pacify, but the global says nodes can't be affected by AA.
Thought this was just me. Timed out on red skull because he did this three times in one fight. Held block for 20 seconds. I even stopped touching the screen and he did nothing as I idled. Hit into his block, he attacked back, then immediately went into block again. Happened again after that.
Yeah, think I need to farm more revives... Been trying sauron and I forgot how much of a pain his unlockable is. Also need to turn off ouchies, so it's a weekend attempt, when I don't need them for AQ.
Don't listen to the handful of revives, it was easy, crew. I'm with @willrun4adonut , those people are far above average. I'm probably another "average" mcoc valiant and I used, probably, 250 revives perhaps more, to 100% necropolis near release, with 5/65 ascended Aegon. That makes me above average for the player base as…
Hi all, still looking for 2. Current Battlegrounds alliance score is 8.88m to give you an idea of how active we are. Reach out 😁
I can only vouch for my runs, but the thing about Spiderham, is the 350% bonus damage when moleman throws a special. The power sting does unreal amounts of damage and he's often not shrugged them even in his shrug phase, if he throws one immediately after you crit your last hit. Plus spam's rate of debuff output means he's…
@Polygon I did think about running science, skill, tech on the left side. Buffed up being needed for Adam is a challenge that I could not get my head around, as I've only an unduped Crossbones that was viable, unless I was going to try fantman. I've no levelled red skull. Have you tried fantman on him, yet? Photon is also…
Yes, I did both paths with suicides on. Left path, I used R2 venom, 5/65 herc and R3 onslaught. 15% attack, 20% health and 20% green boosts. Adam with venom (thank you mcoc noob), had to restart a few times, but he's very good for him. Herc for photon. Just full herc it, again, mcoc noob has a vid doing the same thing. You…
Hi all, looking for one, same details as above
Red skull, juggs, domino.
I'd pick diablo, but I'm a diablo super fan... The debate is sig up to give you more edge on BGs or to improve your wider playing experience; aka the one you have fun with. While I hate BGs, I've a feeling that they are going to increasingly see more prominence, perhaps even at the eventual cost of war disappearing. Or BG…
Snap, my good man. Armour break has been oddly missing from cosmics recently, so with red skull around, I wanted someone else on top of ascended 5/65 corvus. And also, like a Muppet, I chose to dupe man thing, rather than take venompool in the selector 😞 major mistake.
Hi all, looking for 2, details above still accurate, bar average prestige is now 21k. Easy going alliance, but we still bring home the bacon in AQ and BGs 😁
I fail to see how a Malaysian and Indian trading insults is racist (I read them all). Block global, move on with your life. And save accusations of racism, for actual racism.
It will be interesting to revisit the results of this in a month or so.
@Magrailothos you may be right, but I thought gremlins 2 from 1990 would catch the rest... 😂 Hopefully Dorky Dave gets these references...
Ronin, spot and for me at least, absorbing man.
Buy every 10 stack of 25% in the BG store. Should be at least 3 each cycle if you reach GC, maybe 4 if you hit all the 2/3 day challenges. AQ store, buy the 3 5% t6cc selectors and 7 5% crystals every week. Monthly end game stuff normally adds another whole in various% gems. Once a month, the above is 15 whole t6cc. I'm…
Thank you - didn't even look at the tactic, this is even more nuts than I thought 🫣
Won't someone like Swdeah or MSD use Shulk or Spidergwen?
Ignore the disagrees opp... To help you feel better, I've 44 t6b and t3a, 8 skill and mystic t6cc, 11 science and tech t6cc and 12 mutant and cosmic t6cc. I've also a skill R3 gem and 6 t4a... But I run suicides so every rank up, is carefully weighed up and the fear of pulling someone new is real. I'm sitting on a R2…
Now I always liked this one. Yes.... Synergies in place and suicides, but, class disadvantage... And Rank 1, not rank 3.... 39 seconds. Which is faster than most of my 36, R2/r3s/5/65 ascended.
No line alliance, map 5 only, do well in milestones in events, average prestige 20k, so vets who know what they're doing. Active in game chat, 2bg G4 war for loyalty. Currently 5m in BGs, so putting up a decent score. No minimums, bar joining AQ. Ilovescotch in game if you're interested!
Interested in the result here as I've been carrying a R3 skill gem and have the same choice...
Duped jabari
Sorry to resurrect this post; if you didn't obtain enough stones for nightcrawler (I gave up on incursions and have 113 runestones), is there a chance for more runestones, or is the only option cash them in for 7* shards??
We have one slot Ilovescotch in game. 3 BG map 5, no raids (just under 5k glory per week) 2 BG war, G4, optional, easy mode No BG minimums No minimums at all, bar moving in AQ. 123m rated, average prestige 20k. Veterans, but still active. No line or external chat, all in game and relatively chatty as an alliance. It's a…
Lv 2 GKG, 15% attack, 20% health and green boosts. Best run was 4 sp1 dexes in a row. 5 lv1 revives and 4 lv2. Could have been less if I healed more, as he's tanky. To the opp; heal more, use your 4 hour crystals and as you are resigned to using revives, don't be worried about going for an SP2 if you have a lot of furies.…
Will or have you r2'd D kg as well? Have them both at R2 and agree that guilly slaps