Pin_the_AvengerPGT17 ★★
I'm going to say this again. while yes, the points are mostly the same, Chavez would still have more room to gain 6 more points out of being at 96.8% health than the pig. at 7r2, Chavez boasts a base health pool of 60801 Spam, however, boasts a measly base pool of 53201 the 2 numbers have a roughly good gap of being vastly…
Hasn’t Odin, Guardian, Sorc Supe, and a couple others already entered the basic?
Okay, but can we address this graph here
- update from a fellow mcoc player.
Guess I won't do the beta. Oh well, not like I didn't look
Honestly, the option disappeared when I logged into the game when Necropolis went live. I can't enter the beta despite having signed up when the choice came. does the team anything about this bug?
how do ypu guys have access to 8.4? I know I was signed up and saw the beta button in home screen of my account in game, meaning I should've gotten access when it went live. and where is this discord?
I thought I was the only one. It’s been a day and I doubt we’ll get access regardless because of the short window and how much focus Kabam is putting into Necropolis instead.
I think it was week 1
I once had a 5* Donkey Kong from SSBU as a champ before the pandemic hit. Some fun dreams.
I find this funny. There obviously isn’t evidence until a non ccp member gets lucky… which almost never happens until the last few days. I’ve been experiencing this bug and thought I was going crazy. Turns out I’m not alone. This issue obviously is too recent of a report to even be fixed by the upcoming November update,…
very convenient... though just calling a fight a joke because you used the best counter isn't the best way to approach it. Thanks for making this guide though, alliance mate.
rewards are great... but I do want to emphasize the lack of t6b & t3a from all the rewards. relics are great, but I think this is a lackluster move since the relics response has been more mixed than a bag of trail mix or even chex mix. Yea, not gonna lie, I was looking forward to ranking up another easy 2 rank 4 champs or…
honestly, yes, but that's if you have a full defense roster of rank 4 minimum champs (including 7* champs since they count as rank 4's at rank 1).
At least I can redo the path and get the paths then, but I can’t believe it forced me to redo an entire path. I wasted a full energy refill, and a revive on my Wags because a fight got laggy and I caught the full force of a guaranteed crit special from Betsy Braddock. 2 items I’m never getting back because of a bug. Well,…
also, can I just say that the viewing relics you don't have of certain rarities makes no sense. Champions are organized well. but for relics, some may or may not show of different rarities. more often not.
Yea, just checked and I realize my mistake
same issue here, but this is the wrong category as this is general discussions when this forum should be in the bugs category
Here is the insert relic issue that I obviously alone am suffering until yesterday. Apparently I can unbind some relics and not others. It’s very weird.
Is it just me or is the iso in game now more expensive than r4 mats iso 8 selector costs 350 glory on the first one while r4 mats cost 240. also, doesn't that mean the iso price inflated as well since they previously cost much less (or I could be remembering it wrong)
I can't unbind my widow relic from zemo to place on crossbones these bugs I constantly run into of just being unable to unbind relics suck
whatever your story is, No matter who you are, just please dont lie about being hacked and admit mistakes were made. This is just advice for whoever needs it, including OP
Am I even allowed to go into attack phase at this point? I can’t enter and help my alliance. I could only place defense. Plat 4, and I was choosing armor burn attack tactic, but this is what I got
lag. a thousand times lagging. to a point where if I want to do anything, I have to completely reload the game between each and every fight to play effectively. even more of a problem in BGs. Pinheadious iPhone 11. iOS 16.5.1 current version of game.
Lucky you. You have the Apothecary.mine is missing.
Apparently they showed themselves after reloading the game.
I’m currently having issues with certain relics not showing. Thankfully they’re all bound to champs (as far as I know of).
Well we’ll well. Look at this. 6/7 collected in a 100% explored quest in 3.2